Now we're talking!!! WOO HOOO


Nov 19, 2001
Now we\'re talking!!! WOO HOOO

Good to see Buffy showing face here with some good ol fashion fun "tude."

Glad to see you're excited!! The start of something new for both our schools. Feel Vandy got the right guy to lead your troops. Like GT your football team is unique! By that you're not the run of the mill every day SEC school.

Anything can happend opening day. Usually the team that makes the fewest mistakes wins. Like us playing in a our newly remodeled stadium. Think we'll be pumped after finishing the season last year on a high combined with what I felt was a rough regualar season.

Excited about Vandy coming to town.
Re: Now we\'re talking!!! WOO HOOO

Opps. Was meant to replay after Buffy. Sorry!
Re: Now we\'re talking!!! WOO HOOO

talking to yourself again, Terri...

Re: Now we\'re talking!!! WOO HOOO

Glad to hear the spirit and tude from buffydore. Hope you are as pumped as we are. Frankly, I think we are taking on the only team from the sec with any trace of CLASS!!!