Official CPJ response to Narduzzi (audio)

He's the best. Lol at the ambulance comment.

You'd think Narduzzi, Cutcliffe and Beamer would have a long list of kids injured from CPJ's nefarious blocking schemes.
TM in the post-game, having been asked about Narduzzi’s comments: “If you are going to play us, just be prepared to get cut, because it’s going to happen...and if you aren’t prepared for it, then it ain’t going to be good for you.”

I love this dude’s swagger. He owns what we do, and he plays with an edge.
I think some of that was directed at our players. Letting them know Pitt isn't good and we will get our butts kicked by a better team if we turn it over 4 times again
"Really there was no use to throw, if we ran the ball 3 times we were going to get a first down"
