Official Jackets v Green Wave Game Thread

Which is worse, watching this game or watching the catfight between czar and bonham?
Some of you on here need to quit posting. Only show up in adverse times. The game is settling in. GT rolls from here on out. The newness and celebration and hype has past for Tulane. Reality train coming full steam.

That reality train hurts like hell.

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anyone noticed the slight slip by the guy trying to cover the receiver?... dat turf...
And LOL at Czar bragging about his net worth. Insecure much?

dude, its a game thread. you are a loser, a whiner, and constantly put down the team you say you support

why you even here? do you know anyone on this board in person? do you ever go to games?

Shoot that poison arrow through our hea-a-a-arts

Shoot that poison arrow

I will öööö you up. You have no idea what I'm capable of.

Next stinGTalk tailgate! Street fight to the death! The Eastern European, Commi Loving, Board Hall Monitor vs. Vad Lee's stalker and number 1 fan! Place your bets now!!!