Official look at them looking at us thread

If he had to wash all that after coming to this site, it was most certainly due to his daily visit to and not this site.
Reminds when they had the cartoon of the Rambling Wreck riding over the graves of Munson and UGA.

Please someone find this and repost it here for me.
Please someone find this and repost it here for me.

It's so easy to troll them it's not even worth doing.. Kind of sad really
They don't really have to. Sell out to stop the run on 1st and 2nd down, sell out for the pass on 3rd down, sell out for the time-out on fourth down. One exception, the long bomb on the first play of the game.

I'll delete this post in one hour.
Thanks for exposing the blueprint.

mods plz ban, kthxbi
I had to stop watching and listening....."nerds?" that to the Dwag TURDS! No rivalry? Then why the hell the post to begin with! Stupid is as Stupid does and this Turd Fan is S T U P I D. Go away little boy and play with your dinkie!