Official UNC quotes thread


Oct 22, 2008
Sometimes when a team seems particularly miserable after playing us, I'll peruse their game thread for thoughts. I've copied some quotes here for your enjoyment. To avoid exceeding character limits, the vast majority of complaints about the refs have been omitted.

All quotes are presented in chronological order. Also note the rare iiwii sighting in the second half.


Good start so far.

Good start for the defense

Awesome effort so far. We will get tired, but no reason to be anything but optimistic for 2018

Good preparation by the D, just don't have the talent and bodies.

We are doing a lot better than I thought here early.

Good drive. Defense wasn't awful. The offense has to respond.

Never fear. I'm sure Coach Kap will come up with some magic to give our defense 4 whole plays of rest.

Our guys are slow, react slow and can't tackle.

Way to go, O!! Negative 10 yards on that drive! Edit--make that negative 25.

Coming out of a timeout, I'm picturing a pre-snap penalty or something else stupid here

One completed pass in the 1st. Wow.

GT no problem converting 3rd and 13. We can't convert 3rd and 1.

How will this drive get ruined?


Oh boy. We suck.

I see field goal kicking can look bad too.

The good news is GT will come back with another 9 min drive so our offense should get plenty of time to rest.

FB or BB we get screwed by the refs.

we got this stop.. I feel it

I'm guessing we lead the nation in 4th down conversion % allowed.

Why do I keep watching this?

I would never punt against us.

Why the hell do we have people 10 yards back on 4 and 1 against the triple option. Our coaches are the suck

4 and 1, give up 20+. the UNC play caller injured too?

We are still in this one.

F these clowns. Just shut down the program. It would be less embarrassing.

We look like a bad middle school team.

It is what it is

What other games are on right now?

Do we have a third QB?

Realistically who are the first two?

Paul Johnson is a giant ass

Surratt is broken. I hope he can survive this year psychologically.

You are down 24 to zip and you pound your chest?

Yeah that was funny. We can't even celebrate properly.

Haven't been able to see much of this game but it looks like the line is opening some holes

It's safe to say some, hmm, holes have been opened.

Back up QB runs over our starting linebacker about sums this cluster up

Extra point defense looked spectacular though.

Well, at least it wasn't a shut out
"Never fear. I'm sure Coach Kap will come up with some magic to give our defense 4 whole plays of rest."

We also should have gotten called for holding on every offensive play we run apparently... plus every time they threw a pass we should have gotten called for pass interference lol
I see they have a strong dislike for Coach Paul Howard...
#93 for UNC tried starting a fight on our kickoffs.

I did notice that usually teams have a bit more sportsmanship towards each other. Not yesterday. Things were tense between the two teams. Had we not just dominated them and it been a closer game, the chances for a brawl were good.