Officiating Reviews question



Who initiates the review in college football? Is it the officials or is it the coaches?
Officials initiate a review, but they only have until the ball is snapped for the next play to initiate the review.

I believe the ACC has allowed a coach challenge this year, but you have to burn a timeout and you only get one per half. The catch is that if you're right and the refs overturn the decision, you get your timeout back but not the challenge.

Essentially, it's a way to keep everyone from realizing how terrible the ACC officials are. Just my opinion.
beej67 said:
Essentially, it's a way to keep everyone from realizing how terrible the ACC officials are. Just my opinion.

I didn't think any team gets more than one challenge per half regardless of right or wrong.

The more I watch, the more I think the ACC has better officials than most.
I didn't think any team gets more than one challenge per half regardless of right or wrong.

Right. You burn the challenge and get the timeout back. That's different than the NFL, where you only burn your challenge for the half if you challenge wrong.

The more I watch, the more I think the ACC has better officials than most.

I flat dissagree. The officials on Saturday were excellent except for 1 play.
Minor nitpick: that's actually a NCAA rule this season. I think only the MWC had coach's challenge last year, but I like the rule because coaches were burning timeouts to try to give the booth more time to consider the review. With the new standardized rule, at least they can get that timeout back.
Well in regards to that decision regarding CJ's sick catch, it sucked major c*ck and it completely ruined our drive thus taking away the momentum we were gaining.