OK gents we are closing.....


Helluva Engineer
Aug 29, 2003
in on the GAME!!!!

If you really hate the DAWGS... then let's hear it from you.

Those crotch-sniffing, hydrant-humping, cat-chasing SOB's can kiss our ass Saturday night.

I can not think of another thing I DESPISE more than a pup or a pup fan!!! Just flat out detestable.

Damn, working myself into a furry here.

Maybe I need to fly to Buffalo and kick the MOvers ass this afternoon or in the morning!!

GO TECH!!!!!! Kick the everliving SH** out of UGAy!!!
No, don't fly to Buffalo ...I think CCG needs to suit you up! Got any eligibility left? I'm damn near afraid of just responding here given where I graduated from.

But it's my degree, I took nothing else from that place.

GO JACKETS! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/eekhair.gif
I\'m on board

Never liked 'em, never will.

I hope after we beat them they suffer the most miserable post-season of their existance.

The time is fast approaching when the gentlemen of select breed, clad in stunning gold and brilliant white shall administer a prolonged, severe, decisive and humiliating defeat to the toothless mongrels descended of their own kin.

The epic magnitude of their crushing loss will torment them mercilessly as they cling to shredded dignity while dragging their bloody, battered, broken, flea-infested carcasses back to the sewers, dumpsters, halfway houses, crawlspaces and uncharted hinterlands their westward-leading knuckle tracks lead them back to.

The scholarly men of distinction shall celebrate yet another legendary victory over the hapless horde clad in the colors of death and blood with only their mullets to distinguish them from the beasts of the earth. Under the shadows of Heisman, Alexandar, Dodd and Ross, spirits, merriment and an air of victory will flow generously throughout the hallowed campus of Georgia Tech till the wee hours of the crisp November dawn.

In contrast, the freshly beaten beaten rogues shiver under moth-eaten blankets with only the timeclock, a brightly-colored uniform three sizes too small, the employee-of-the-month parking spot and the the carrot of "Assistant Manager" to justify rising in the cold, sunless pre-dawn hours in hope of a ray of respect, a glance of acknowledgment or even a jab of torment from a White and Gold adorned customer passing through for a snack on his way home from a night of rightous celebration.

It is good to be a Tech man.

Very good, indeed.
00- now that's what in the HELL I am talking about. Now if I just understood what the heck it was you said! LOL

I can honestly say that if I saw a UGAy man on fire I would not don myself to piss to put him out!!He would deserve what he was suffering.

We have some gagger fans down here in the part of Florida I am living. After we beat UM last Saturday night, they were all congratulating me and all that stuff. I wanted SO bad to tell em to kiss my arse and that they were next! I remained civil, but they damned sure better not come around me between now and Saturday night. As a matter of fact I could give a rats ass less if any gagger fan had a good meal tomorrow. If they do have one it will be b/c they work for a Tech grad and are paid well.


/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/behead.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/boom.gif
What really chaps my ass is that so many UGA fans in I know wear the gear, talk the talk, and then have no idea who in the Hell any of their players are or their record or anything. Those frontrunning bastards! Hell, I know more about UGA football, basketball, baseball, hell everything than many of those arseholes. Most of us do. When I come across so many people I know they're like "Georgia's gone kick y'alls ass this year." I simply ask, "Hey when's the game?" Or I ask, "Name one UGA player besides DJ Shockley." And none of them can do it. It's pitiful that all the people who aren't a diehard or don't follow NCAA sports just tend to associate themselves with those Damn Dogs.

But that's what makes it even greater each and everytime GA Tech kicks those mutts asses!!!!11

and all that has happened since 80. Hell 3/4 of my extended family were Tech fans until 80 and they all jumped ship.

I'm glad they have their one champion$hit to hang their hat on some 35 years ago.
it's a bit later and I just got back from the vet. The vet had to take my shoe out of Emma's(my bassett houns) ass. It was a SITE to see I might add. I told the vet to hold the bill b/c I would probably bring her back at least 3 times before Saturday.

He asked why I kicked her and I told him she was a dawg. He said so what, I cold cocked his ass and when he came to I endoctrinated him to the GT-UGAy rivalry! He said that was nothing compared to UF-FSU. So I politely knocked his ass out again. This time I left before he came to his senses.

SCREW that ugly ass mutt UGA VI!! Wish I could see that little bastard, I'd kick him back to savannah.


That might be the funniest thing I have ever read concerning a vet and a Bassett Hound. On second thought, it is, hands down. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/hugelaugh.gif
Conversation overheard this week..

"Auburn beat Alabama and Georgia Tech beat Miami."
"Do what?"
"Auburn beat Alabama and Georgia Tech beat Miami".
"Tech beat Miami?!"
"This past weekend?"
"No way."
"Yeah, I swear to god. Like 14 to 10 or something"
"No way!"
"That's hilarious! Tech! (derisive) Ha, ha ha! (cackle)."

I hate Ugay because it's traditional to do so. I remember raking leaves with my dad back in '68 listening to the game on the radio as the dawgs kicked our butts and being thoroughly steamed. I remember my brother coming back from the game in '69 when underdog Georgia Tech pulled off an oft underrated upset 6-0 at Grant Field. I've argued with and been in fist fights with mutts as well as have beloved friends and family members that are mutts. It is a situation that tears at ones guts and I hope like hell we beat the ever loving pee out of those boys come Saturday. Comes but once a year, friends. One shot at glory.
