O'L "empty seat never bought a hot dog/coke"

GT Ace

Jolly Good Fellow
Dec 3, 2001
Man, that Coach O'Leary can still throw the 1 liners out with the best of em, can't he? In this column he's vehemently politicking to renew the series with South Florida past the 2 games it is now, last yr & this yr. O'L believes that CenFla/SoFla will come close to sellouts at both stadiums, ergo, selling more cokes & hotdogs along the way.
Remember, it was during O'Leary's regime that Coach O politicked for & got the 3 game series with Notre Dame & the 3 gm series with Auburn, later changed to 2 gms. These games sure have helped GT sell much more of everything. They've also given huge amounts of national recognition for Tech because of the national TV these gms have generated. These games have been very, very good for Ga Tech.


In a related item; Texas will open Central Florida's brand new, on campus, 45,000 seat stadium next season. Quite a coup to get this gm as the '1st ever' stadium opener. The Cen Fla HC is also rattling cages to get gms vs the Florida big 3. Hopes are to become Florida's next powerhouse. Interesting.

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GT Ace said:
In a related item; Texas will open Central Florida's brand new, on campus, 45,000 seat stadium next season. Quite a coup to get this gm as the '1st ever' stadium opener. The Cen Fla HC is also rattling cages to get gms vs the Florida big 3. Hopes are to become Florida's next powerhouse. Interesting.


I doubt Texas would ever agree to play us in Atlanta. That is one problem we have always had, getting good teams to agree to come to Atlanta and risk getting beat.

After we beat Auburn in Atlanta, they canceled the following game with them where we would have faced them in the GaDome...and they picked up Citadel. That is when we added Samford to replace them in the 11th hour. That made it even sweeter to beat them at their home last year!!!
hiveredtech said:
That is one problem we have always had, getting good teams to agree to come to Atlanta and risk getting beat.

I don't agree that we have always had this problem, (Late 70's early 80's) but maybe the 3-3 win over ND in 1980 scared some others off.

I hope so. We are not Central Florida.

I know I am in the minority on GOL, but in his way he absolutely has a place in college football. I wish him the best. Central Florida is lucky to have him, as he may be what H Schnelenberger(?) was to Miami.
The man can promote, and can build stadiums.
pw, "3-3 win" huh? I just can't keep up with all these freaking rule changes.
floridajacket said:
pw, "3-3 win" huh? I just can't keep up with all these freaking rule changes.

Back during the 1980 season (1-9-1), I did consider that a win. :(
In fact, it was Notre Dame who actually came back to tie GT if you will.
I was just having some fun with it.

I wasn't around then, but I've heard many good things about the ND game in 1980. The only bad thing is it took ND out of first place and replaced them with UGA.
and can build stadiums

Stadiums neither school can consistently fill.
I'm still skeptical that UCF can get the 50k they got for the CUSA championship on a week to week basis.

George will be successful, because UCF hasn't had much spotlight on them in Fla terms.

However, if they continue the upward trend, I expect to see a majority of their home games broadcast on Sun Sports statewide.

That's more than the fools in Tampa will ever accomplish.
GTg8r , not a burn in the least, but an honest...

inquiry into the state of thing at South Florida.
From my distance and little reading about them, I have been very impressed by their coach and thought he was an up and comer.
What is it that brings such harsh words for them??:(
Doesn't bother me..

techsamillion said:
inquiry into the state of thing at South Florida.
From my distance and little reading about them, I have been very impressed by their coach and thought he was an up and comer.
What is it that brings such harsh words for them??:(

Tampa is a Gator Town
There are Nole people in Tampa
Then there is about 4 miles which is "Bulls Country"

They've only now decided it might be smart to build a true campus, not just buildings with parking.

Their "alumni" are even less attached than early 80's GT alumni. From what I see their foundation isn't very good; I think their support is far too splintered to really fund the athletic side. Their academic side is at the State's teat, so it's growing very well, but most Tampanians love the Gators/Noles.

UCF/FAMU were in the only true sellouts the RayJay's ever had. The Glazer's and Tampa Sports Authority continue to work them over with rental fees, parking, tailgating and concessions.

UCF's got much more cachet with an on-campus home for 50,000 students--UCF ought to do pretty well.

If you could build a football powerhouse in an off-campus stadium, Tech would have done it--but it's just a drain on the numbers.

and none of the other sports are spectular, they're the new VPI in the Big East. Football will be on the edge of being great, and everything else will suffer.

I think non-revenue sport athletes care a bit more that their friends and family can watch them compete, if you lived in Florida would look forward to trips to Syracuse and Pittsburgh??
I don't think Tampa is any more "Gator" country than Orlando, probably even less so. Plus there are plenty of noles to go around Mickey Land as well. The presence of the Bucs will inhibit growth of USF football more than anything you've named. But Orlando isn't exactly lacking for competition of the entertainment dollar itself. I'd call it a push between the two.

my opinion is that UCF is farther along in mobilizing it's alumni-fan base. Than USF may ever be.

Orlando is much hungrier for something to support with the Magic being the only other real competition for the locals that can't afford or don't want to go to Mickey and Universal.

There's a stronger business environment in Tampa, which means if you graduate from UF and don't go to ATL or MIA...you go to Tampa. It's really quite disturbing from an outsiders' view.

USF is in a tough spot, because they have to put the BCS check into their other spots, but since the Big East checks are based on order of finish, they may never be able to fund football to a "Championship" level.

Still, a good part of their fan base is USF Alumni-UF/FSU Fans/Donors...