O'Leary's predicted grad rates as posted on ........


Nov 25, 2001
O\'Leary\'s predicted grad rates as posted on ........

the "hive." I felt this was something worthy of being posted on this site as well.

Update to my grad rate post

Posted by Axe on December 20, 2001 at 10:54:39: from

A few folks have helped me update my information slightly and I wanted to attempt to modify the numbers slightly. From the additional information I have gathered, it appears that the 1995 and 1996 classes may not be as improved as I thought, but they should show some solid improvment.

1995: My original rate: 62%(likely rate range 40%-52%) It appears more than I thought will need more than 6 years. Hopefully, they will end up finishing at some point.

1996: My original rate: 78%(likely rate range 52%-70%)
1997: My original rate: 68%(likely rate range 65%-78%)
1998: My original rate: 44%(likely rate range 35%-45%)
1999: My original rate: 76%(likely rate range 50%-60%)

I also wanted to apoligize for making a commentary about these numbers. I think there is some improvement and I feel like GOL brought in solid kids, but there is certainly room for improvement.

****THIS WAS NOT LAW_BEE'S POST*******************