OLine question


beware the zealot
Dec 17, 2001
Given that these guys have struggled mightily with the quickness/cut blocking scheme favored by this offense and Coach, would it be out of the question to consider a more traditional blocking scheme where appropriate for these guys?

Just can't help but feel that Voss and Smith would feel more comfortable trying to lean on someone and get in their way than diving at their shins.

Also, if the D is playing an odd front with a nose, why not use the old double team to blow that guy out and open up the middle and pull the offside guard to block the linebacker. Maybe putting beefmasters in the guard position was not such a great idea with this bunch after all.

Anything to change up the blocking scheme would at least confuse the defenses and I feel sure these guys could adjust quickly. After all, O Linemen are always the smartest people on the team.
I'm no expert on the subtleties of offensive line play and about what all goes into the coaching staff's analysis of a thing like that, so those who don't want just one pedestrian fool's thoughts should probably skip the rest of my post, and you have my blessing if you do.;)

But, I have thought about what you posted about the O-line more than once before during this season, so I thought I'd just share with you what I always think to myself when I condsider it:

Coach Johnson has been running this offense for a long time. He went to three champonship games in a row at GSU running this thing and won the last two. He led Navy to their best teams in forty years and had games at Navy where he had 700 yards of total offense. I suspect that his attitude about it is: In my system, we block a certain way. We're not going to compromise. We're going to teach everyone to block the way we block and that's that. We are headed toward an ideal and any compromise will jsut get us off track. Commitment and improvement prevails over accomodation.

Also, it's not as if the o-line has been the sole reason for our struggles. Turnovers, injuries, bad reads etc. He's got us constantly striving toward the ideal in all areas. He's sent a message: Can't quite do it the way the system calls for? Better keep working at it. Have confidence that you can adapt. Forget the old way.

I hate the struggling and the bad blocking but I love the attitude and the confidence and I trust the man in charge.

And hell, despite all that, 6-2 so far.

And we will get better. I imagine that we are slowly getting better in subtle ways. I think they probably learn a few lessons each game. Getting better and better. Things will continue to click and soon it'll show up on the field.

Anyway, this may be of no use to anyone else and if not, I apologize. But it helps me to keep thinking that way when I see an O-lineman doing the worm while someone is getting stuffed in the backfield.

And speaking of getting better, remind me: Who's the last team on our regular season schedule? Man, they might just get our best shot all year, from the O-line and everyone else....:biggthumpup:
Given that these guys have struggled mightily with the quickness/cut blocking scheme favored by this offense and Coach, would it be out of the question to consider a more traditional blocking scheme where appropriate for these guys?

Just can't help but feel that Voss and Smith would feel more comfortable trying to lean on someone and get in their way than diving at their shins.

Also, if the D is playing an odd front with a nose, why not use the old double team to blow that guy out and open up the middle and pull the offside guard to block the linebacker. Maybe putting beefmasters in the guard position was not such a great idea with this bunch after all.

Anything to change up the blocking scheme would at least confuse the defenses and I feel sure these guys could adjust quickly. After all, O Linemen are always the smartest people on the team.

I would say we could get an offensive line expert on the board to explain, but we don't have anybody who ever played offensive line worth a flip here.
Seeing as how this cut blocking scheme was the anathema of the unmentionable one I have no comment.

Saints preserve us!
I would say we could get an offensive line expert on the board to explain, but we don't have anybody who ever played offensive line worth a flip here.

There is..........one.............but he is getting up there.:D
I would say we could get an offensive line expert on the board to explain, but we don't have anybody who ever played offensive line worth a flip here.

I hope you are kidding.
why do you have to put that stupid political statement on your posts?

it doesnt even make any sense, unless you think Obama is a Muslim (he is not) or a Communist (he is not)

you are worse than Fox News! at least, if you have an opinion express it correctly and not with the fear-mongering falseties of a right wing jerk

and this is not a political board, there is one for that if you wish to spout politics
I'm still looking as well.

Let PJ run his system, once he gets his players we will be fine. These players weren't made to run this offense so they are struggling. Also, the younger kids are doing well in practice but they still need to be redshirted. I trust Paul and realize he is building a winner here.

I've never ever played in this type of offense but I do prefer the smash mouth but that's just my opinion.
CPJ is teaching and installing "his system". It's his creation, he isn't going to change it or alter it. If you haven't noticed hes a pretty stubborn SOB. The O-line is going to run the way he wants and he isn't going to change anything. The same reason we won't see any shotgun sets. Give him time to get his guys, and let the guys here have time to get better at what they are doing. In 2-3 years we will have a top 10 offense and be scoring 30+ a game.