On halftime show they actually just said...

LOL, I expect Jax State and Toledo to be ranked next week (even though they can't be).
On the the Florida halftime show they said 2 interesting things:
  • It was a bad weekend for the SEC because they were looking ahead to a tough SEC schedule
  • Notre Dame will be tested next week against Georgia Tech, who just beat Tulane 726 to nothing
On the the Florida halftime show they said 2 interesting things:
  • It was a bad weekend for the SEC because they were looking ahead to a tough SEC schedule

Good teams do not ööööing look ahead, you azzhats. The conference is overrated damnit.
On the the Florida halftime show they said 2 interesting things:
  • It was a bad weekend for the SEC because they were looking ahead to a tough SEC schedule
  • Notre Dame will be tested next week against Georgia Tech, who just beat Tulane 726 to nothing

The guy who said that is a GT alum, BTW.
LOL, I expect Jax State and Toledo to be ranked next week (even though they can't be).

Actually it is completely legal for an FCS team to be ranked in the AP and Coaches FBS top-25 polls. The NCAA doesn't control those rankings. Eastern Washington got votes for 26th at one point last year and App St. was on the border for a while after they beat Michigan. It is usually because of one voter putting the team really high and nobody else voting for them. but it has and can happen.
Good teams do not ööööing look ahead, you azzhats. The conference is overrated damnit.

Basically that. Sure they probably were not taking the games very seriously. Still an indictment if you struggle or lose to a vastly inferior team whether you prepared for them or not.
Seems to me if SEC teams are over ranked, then it will benefit us when we beat them.

But if you are unc, Louisville and lose to them - well.
Looking ahead is no freaking excuse for struggling against teams you should be (and GT is) beating with your 3rd string.

If as a coach you think your team is looking ahead against Jacksonville St or Toledo then put the freaking scout team in there and let them play. Even they should win, and they have nothing to "look ahead" for.
I expect this message:

B/c of their brutal in conference schedule, every SEC team that struggled with their OOC opponent today, should get bumped at least to spots higher in the polls. 'cause you know SEC
Like the two slit experiment, this is an example of an effect (losing to shitty teams) preceding cause (ESS EEE SEEEEEEEE). I call it SEC Quantum Football (TM). Their schedules are so hard it's actually sending waves backwards in time and effecting play NOW.

The finest minds at LSU are already working on funding a lab for study.