our New Def. Coord. LIED on resume (LINK)

I think there are alot of other stories that Hollis could report on.... I am over this bio stuff... could care less.... main question... can he coach a defense??
this will probably go across the Nat. AP wires and this reflects poorly on GT.

Someone's head should roll over this. I dont know who is running this operation but this is sad. Because of O'leary the first thing that should have been done with regards to potential hires was CHECK THEIR RESUME. It was a given that those idiots at the AUC would be checking the moment that got the chance.

This isnt some pop warner football coach. This is suppose to be big time college football. We are talking about paying someone a 6 figure salary who lied about whether he played football for FSU. We will be the laughing stock of the ACC over this one.

I think the guy should be dismissed. We don't owe this guy anything. It is not like this guy has built some goodwill. Pay him a few thousand and let him out the door.
I will have to agree with jacketguy on this one. This looks like another case of the Dawg-based AUC trying to cause problems for Tech.
Calm down. First of all, he didn't lie, and it wasn't on his resume. Coaches don't have resumes. This was information printed in the media guides of his old schools. That is info written by someone trying to make the coach look good. If you read the article, it said that he repeatedly tried to correct the inaccuracies. One of his coaches even told him to go along with the made up stuff. He even corrected it at one point, then the false info got printed again! I really don't think it's his fault.

I would like to know how these media guides get made up, though. From what I hear, it's a combination of previous media guides and info that makes the coach look better. I'm only surprised that more inaccuracies don't exist. The coaches have very little input in it, I'm thinking. They've got more important things to do than write their bios. Besides, he already offered his resignation; Gailey rejected it. As long as he stops the other team, I'm happy with him.
Agree 100% with Culb. The screw-up was on PR, not ability to do job. I thought it was bs for ND to dump GOL over an ancient mistake, and it would have been the same for us to dump smith. Nobody's perfect: we're talking human beings here.
<blockquote><font size="1" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr>
Posted by BigGT on January 29, 2002 at 11:06:33: from on the "hive"

Smith admitted on 790 a little while ago he didn't have the courage to correct the misinformation on his bio, and he is very sorry. He knew it was wrong, but did nothing. He also said he "Never told a head coach a lie" and never put any misinformation on his resume. I felt uncomfortable listening to what seemed like splitting hairs about it. At least he said he was sorry, unlike others in the public eye.

I respect him for fessing up live on the radio, though. He deserves forgiveness from those who are in a position to do so and a second chance for having the integrity to accept accountability for his actions.

I want to know how much damage has the past eight weeks done to my engineering degree? That's a HELL of a lot more important to me than caring about a bunch of 18-21 year olds running around playing sports.
If my degree is damaged, I want the whole athletic association cleaned out. I'm interviewing for an executive position right now, and the last thing I need is for the next CEO to read Georgia Institute of Technology on my resume and laugh at my very hard-earned education having worked my ass off to graduate With Honor.

BTW there are NO inaccuracies on my resume - you have to be an idiot to lie on one because everyone who does so will eventually be caught.
I demand that "Honor" be re-established at Tech right now or I'll come down and slap the face of anyone who is dishonoring it. <hr></blockquote>

i felt this was an interesting view. It is a cop out for anyone to say they "tried" to correct it and could not. That sounds like my clients. I am not saying people should not be forgiven for mistakes but it still is a mistake.

This is very serious. I guess I should start telling people I was MVP of the Rose Bowl. Everyone knows when there is incorrect info on their Bio. It can be changed. If you dont change it then you are a party to the disinformation.

I dont know what people tell their kids. If something is not truthful then it's not. Are half-truthes the standard now. Does anyone want half-truthes to be the standard at GT.

Your coach represents your school. I have clients that go to prison for lying. I do not hold anything against this guy but he does not have good will built up at GT. I believe we should cut our losses and move on. Pay him a nice package for his trouble but send the message that if you have stuff in your bio and do not come forward with it prior to you accepting the job then you will be dismissed.
I think that if you were to check every coach in the NCAA's bio and/or resume, this would be a non-issue. I think you'd be suprised at the "fluffs" you would find.
law bee, it seems that you and I are the only Jackets where integrity matters.

Since the majority seems to think its ok to cut corners for our football program, now must be the time to add a liberal arts major to strengthen the football program?
No Mac... integrity does matter.. so what is the truth... we only know what we have read and heard.. I do not see any reason in blowing things out of proportion, which is what has happened here... there is a difference in a resume and a bio... no need to add liberal arts either, although there is nothing wrong with a liberal arts education... I personally believe that the media has, again, blown things out of proportion, and believe that Braine should have been closer to the situation given the circumstances with GOL... I feel sure, that if you stopped the world, and checked every bio on every coach in every media guide out there today... half the coaches would be fired.. we dont know that he told UK to put that in his bio... we just dont know alot of things... I think its a pretty strong statement or position to take stating that others here lack integrity... to counter, does your ancestural line take you back to the witch hunts in New England? Just Curious.
I will say this. You are a coach at a high level college program. You have a bio in the media guide. Every cousin, brother, sister, uncle and aunt will look up your name in that bio and see what it says about you.

You can slice it, dice it, dress it up but at the very least this guy was a party to a misrepresentation.

At the very most he flat out lied.

I will be going to court in a few days and one of my clients will be pleading guilty to a FELONY because he had a fake i.d.

This was something he bought at a flea market, but under the laws of the state of ga that is a felony.

He did not use it. He just had possession.

I will say this. I am not judging this guy. He may be a wonderful human being, but I do not think a college like GT is the place for him.

Understand dishonesty is a slipery slope. What is a little lie? What is a harmless indiscretion?

You are talking about working for an institute of higher education. This is not the atlanta falcons.

I feel we need to be careful about the standards we accept.
I think Gailey should have accepted his resignation...Smith oughta be out of here....what recruit is going to believe this guy? I think I will go over to Tech an apply for a job...tell 'em I was an Admiral in the Navy and vice-Chairman of Coca Cola..

I'm calling you out on this. You and Law are not the only on this forum with integrity. I assume you were joking. This is just a difference of opinion among friends. Let's not get into insults and the like.
I happen to disagree with your view. I feel that it's up to Chan Gailey and David Braine to decide if this guy gets canned. He offered his resignation and CG kept him. For now, that's good enough for me. I don't like the fact that this happened any more than you or Law, but I'm willing to forgive on this issue.

I thought the actual 2001 season was hard...this off-season has been even worse. Can't wait for September to get here so we can all discuss football again.
i wish people would quit calling me out by name.

I can feel the harsh tone. lol

I havnt said anything about anybody except this guy with a bad bio


My post was addressed to MacDaddy...not you. I respect your opinion. I have no problem with the way you presented yourself on this issue. For the most part, I also respect Mac...I just took issue with his "integrity" comment.
I think we are making tooooo big a deal of this... and Hollis needs to get a life... and the AJC disbanded.... I can promise you ... if you look at many of the bios of any executive across the nation... there will be fluff added.... I have had two companies do that to me in trying to impress investors... I did the same thing... told the people in inverstor relations that some of the descriptions are not entirely true... their response.. dont worry about it... its just for the investors... I didnt agree with it... but it happens... and in regards to the guy who is concerned about it devaluing his degree... come one.. if thats all it takes for someone to dismiss a potential hire, then they are looking for reasons anyway.... given that, I could see where they could dismiss him because the football team sucked... or the streets are in disrepair around campus... I do think that given the situation surrounding O'Leary... this should have been checked ... and double checked... I think Braine should have been closer to it due to the GOL incident... I do not think our program is out of control... I think we have been out of control to a degree, and have just ignored it...
After hearing more about this, I have a little more perspective on it. Smith never told anyone the inaccuracies. He never lied. In fact, when asked, he told people that the bio was wrong. He never wanted it to be published, he never told the SID to publish it. He never even spoke with any SID. This is not unusual.

He did say that he feels bad for not correcting them earlier. But at the same time, he was being pressured by his coaches, and at times his schools, to leave them alone. They felt it would make him look better.

I'm sure this was a common practice. There can't be only 3 coaches in the history of football who have done this kind of thing. 10 years ago, who would have thought it would hurt like this? That doesn't make it right, but Smith wasn't totally in the right in this situation.

I think the truth lies in the middle. If he tells the SID one thing, and they print another, with the rest of the AA telling him to leave it alone, what is he supposed to do? And besides, it's not your $3 program bio that counts in football, it's your record and your ability to coach. Smith was caught in a no win situation, IMO. He did corect it when he went to Tulane, but then Kentucky screwed it up again. Who's at fault here?

As for the post from the Hive, it's absurd to the point of laughter. I graduated from Tech, and I honestly can't imagine a potential employer looking at me and thinking, "Well, this guy has all the credentials, but his school hired a couple of coaches that had wrong information printed in their programs. Better pass on him and go for that VoTech school applicant."
law... thanks for the attempt to inject levity in this thread... I completely understand where you are coming from... but I guess either I have not read up on this as I should have, or do not understand it to the depth that you do.... I guess I start with this... from my experience, there is a difference between a bio and a resume... I am the only one to craft my resume... I have never crafted my bio, someone from Marketing or Corp Comm has always done this... I assume the SID does this for coaches... I am assuming that is what has taken place here... So my questions would be this... Who crafted the bio? After it was crafted, what conversations took place and by whom? If the coach notified them of the discrepancy, and was told, "dont worry about it, its just a bio for the press guide" should we have expected him to resign at that point? I have not heard where this guy has lied... I have heard that the bio was incorrect, but do not know the answers to the questions above... help me remember, is it guilty until proven innocent or innocent until proven guilty? If its the former, then we are all just walking around awaiting our trials... I do believe this, if it was thought to be such a big deal (the bio's), I dont think Curry would have fostered a liar around him, and had GOL been greeted by open arms by the prominent alumi, none of this would matter now... I just believe its wrong for me to call a man a liar until I know all the facts... I also feel stupid because I have written more on this than Hollis himself !!
It is sad to see so much emotion tied up in this situation.

First, of course I was kidding in saying that the posters did not honor integrity. But, it seems that most of the posters do honor the sanctity of telling the truth. Each of us have probably had a bio printed for us in our chosen professions. If you don't check it to make sure it is truthful you are either careless, stupid or both. Danny's name is on the bio, not DB's, not the SID's or even CG's. In the end, Danny and Danny alone is responsible for the truthfulness of these documents.

JacketGuy, I'm from NGA not NE. Hate the Pats, Celtics, and Red Sox. THe Bruins are another matter.

Ahso, take a chill pill dude. I follow the same good book as you and I believe there is something about lying in God's Ten Commandments. I'm no better than anyone else but you can damn well believe I would take responsibility for documents describing my accomplishments.

Bugboy, I'm not saying we should stone the man. We should just expect nothing less than totally honesty from men who are impacting the lives of 18 year boys.

Jackeyguy, I agree with you that we have spent too much time on this issue.

To all: this is probably my FINAL post. God Bless and Go Jackets.
