Partial Bowl Answer, Need Opinions


Aug 20, 2003
The only answers I can find are here (please give me your input):

The ACC is not going to travel west of Nashville. Tech occassionally but unless it's New Orleans or some other party destination, nobody is going to the Independance or Liberty Bowls. Therefore we have to look east or south:

1) We need another positive bowl experience in Florida. Miami is not that travel friendly unless its the BCS. Also the Blockbuster Bowl proved to be a failure. The rest of the cities have bowls so we're going to have to compete on our own.

The most likely seems the Citrus Bowl and Orlando. How about we up our commitment for a New Years Eve Bowl? The real problem with the Orlando recently has been it's date. The new date is a little better, but ORlando probably has enough hotels to handle four schools at once. Likely? I don't see another option in Florida otherwise unless we push Tallahassee and use FSU's stadium. Maybe not a bad thought since it's closer to a decent opponent from the south or midwest.

2) Otherwise we have to find a new city. I think Charleston would be a good option and just accept that 30,000 fans in a packed excited arena is better than 40,000 in an empty place.

3) But I really think the answer is Baltimore. Baltimore offers a great venue within walking distance of the hotels, party areas, etc. It would equal Jacksonville in this regard except for the weather. The Army/Navy folks said that Baltimore was a blast except that Philadelphia offers them an equadistant site.

Boise has convinced me that outdoors in the cold can be okay. DO you agree that Baltimore would be better for most ACC teams versus Boise or San Fran (note I think those cities are fine places to trip to occassionally but not as a recurring option).

Baltimore would also be a great fit for BC, MD, VPI (Huge fan base here), UVA (big fan base), and amazingly NCS. It's just slightly farther away than Charlotte for them.

The Big East needs some bowls that are accessible for them too. Pittsburgh, WVU are very close. ANd of course the rest would be closer here than Florida, etc.

Why hasn't this happened and what am I missing?

I'd have no problem with Baltimore one year and DC the next by the way. This would help share the load of buying local tickets but also would help by offering literally another city to visit in back to back years. How feasible would that be and how would that look to outsiders?

Until NYC builds an indoor stadium (something they would be stupid to not do) then I think this is the best option and most likely to work. Thoughts?
Agree about DC, but I am not a fan of Baltimore, only spent a little time there, but it seems more like a craphole than any other city I've been to. It all reminded me of southwest atlanta, lots of run down houses and old industrial facilities. Just one mans opinion though.

DC on the other hand, would be great. How far out of the city do the Redskins play? Plenty of things to do around DC for players and fans. Seems like the Capitol City Bowl would be a great fit for an ACC/Big 10/Big East (though, who are we kidding, unless something drastic changes the big east is going to be dropped soon, and very soon, you have to have at least 1 big time program to have a big time conference) matchup.
I think that's a good idea actually. If we'll play in Boise or the mud in Silicon Valley, why not in a great stadium in Baltimore?
Well I think it 50/50 that the BCS drops the BE soon. IF so Big East #1 to the Gator Bowl and they could really use a more local game for their 2 to 3. It could be a good game. They could use someone for 3 anyway.

Regarding Baltimore, depending where you parked it could be just another city or an awesome game day experience. The stadium is walking distance, and nice walking areas, from the hotels and Inner Harbor. Most people rate the Inner Harbor as a nice place to visit and it gets more visitors annually than Disney World.

The Inner Harbor could offer boat rides for the players/fans, Aquarium, Science Centers, all kind of dining, central meeting and band locations. It's also close to Fort McHenry (call it the Star Spangled Bowl or something), close to Little Italy, close to Fells Point/Canton, close to Federal Hill, all great party areas.

Also the new Babe Ruth Museum takes up the old Camden Station. They could put up the local teams museum real quickly. ANd of course the convention center is also right at the stadiums. Oh, and things like the block is only a few blocks away.

I travel a lot and Baltimore is one of the better venues for a partying crowd in for a bowl game. Like I said before, the Army Navy folks thought it was the best place they had been.

But I don't disagree regarding DC. The problem with it is that it's nowhere close to downtown. No hotels, no nothing. PErsonally I think bowl games are best when the stadium is near the hotels and partying areas: Jax, Atlanta, San Antonio. The energy from the cities/hotels/fans walking around make the fun repeatable and memorable.

But DC draws better per se. Baltimore/DC tend to market themselves together anyway. Certainly Baltimore would market itself showing the DC visit spots too, as well as Annapolis.
Or just bring back the All-American Bowl to Birmingham. Make it another ACC-SEC game and it will fill up.
By the way, Baltimore's stadium is also right on a train track to downtown DC.

I agree with the Capital City Bowl or something. Capitol One likes to sponsor sporting events so it'd be a natural I'd think.
Tourist Baltimore including the harbor and bars is

not bad. Both cities are easy to fly in & out of.

If any northern city of note had a dome, particularly NY, Chicago, DC/Baltimore, or Boston, they could do very, very well.

Chicago in particular would sell well despite a lower Big 10 team as the anchor.
Birmingham isn\'t that convenient for the ACC.

and it isn't warm either. At least DC gives you a reason to be cold.
Re: Tourist Baltimore including the harbor and bars is

DC/Baltimore really really really blew it when neither built a domed stadium. Baltimore now plays on artificial turf anyway (the rubbery kind) so why not?

And look at the opportunity for another Peach Bowl in the area, not to mention annual big time money spent on the NCAA, etc. I think NYC would be crazy to not invest in a new domed/retractable stadium.
Re: Birmingham isn\'t that convenient for the ACC.

No to knock Birmingham but I think people would come to DC and maybe Baltimore. People come to DC to tour museums, etc. and much of that is indoors anyway. Heck the teams could fly into Dulles and start right away with the new Smithsonian Aerospace Museum out there.
Re: Birmingham isn\'t that convenient for the ACC.

Boston would be great, I like the patriots stadium, but its got the problem of being a good ways away from Boston (not sure how far, but definitely not walking distance) from the hotels and bars. Can't see them ever building a dome or otherwise inside the city though, unless they get to host the olympics at some point in the future, and even then, it'd probably be outside boston.
We just signed new 4-year contracts for all of our bowls, so we might as well get used to these.

Swofford says there will be a system to make the bids related to finish. He didn't say what, but it's easy to imagine something like the existing Gator Bowl language that allows the bowl to pick a team with a worse conference record, but only one game worse.

With that in place, we could have been skipped over for Clemson this year, but not for UVa or NC State.

I'm guessing the new bowl pecking order might be something like this:

1) BCS
2) Gator vs. Big East/ND/Big XII
3) Peach vs. SEC
4) Champs Sports vs. Big Ten
5) Meineke vs. Big East
6) Music City vs. SEC
7) Boise vs. WAC
8) Emerald vs. Moutain West

With that being the case, we and BC would have been guaranteed no worse than Music City this year.
I am all for the east coast games.
When your team falls below the gator and possibly peach, it really should only be about treating the kids well and giving the fans an opportunity for a good time.

The DC game sounds most appealing. Whether its a family trip or a hell raising adults only road trip, both interests can be served.

With that said, we need to win this damn league and play in a bowl game.
Bowl Pecking Order

Considering the payouts and notariety changes, what needs to happen is move the Peach to Jan. 1st and give it the ACC #2 and move the Gator down to # 3 with the ACC # 3 team.
I might be alone in this but I don't think there would be anything wrong with our current bowl setup so long as the selection process is regulated. The Boise and San Francisco games are fine outlets for eastern schools who should feel lucky to just even play in a bowl game.

Adding a bowl in Baltimore/DC (or Ft.Lauderdale or Boca Raton depending on the future stadium developments down there) would be great but without language restricting them from doing so, we would end up with the same problems as the Car Care Bowl where they would almost always go out of their way to only take the local schools like Maryland and UVA.
Adding a bowl in Baltimore/DC (or Ft.Lauderdale or Boca Raton depending on the future stadium developments down there) would be great but without language restricting them from doing so, we would end up with the same problems as the Car Care Bowl where they would almost always go out of their way to only take the local schools like Maryland and UVA.

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The NC boyz are a queer lot indeed, but I differ with you on a game outside of their state. I don't think they care about any team outside of nc.
The NC boyz are a queer lot indeed, but I differ with you on a game outside of their state. I don't think they care about any team outside of nc.

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No, I meant a potential Baltmore/DC bowl only taking Maryland/UVA/VT if given a chance the same way the Meinecke Bowl does now with the Carolina schools.

and this is a bulldog style prediction...

The Nashville bowl will become a GT invitational once UVA's AD eats 10,000 seats this year.

It is very convenient travel for us and when we don't make the big 3 (BCS/Peach/Gator) we will go there 50% of the time. Hopefully not as often as UGA goes to the Outback.

We will get sick of it soon enough.
No, I meant a potential Baltmore/DC bowl only taking Maryland/UVA/VT if given a chance the same way the Meinecke Bowl does now with the Carolina schools.

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I hear you willstingyou, but have the opinion that the nc boyz only take care of their state schools like ncsu in the car bowl. I don't think they care about conference "brethren" outside the state of nc.
UVa is part of the club. Maryland and Clemson are not. South Carolina was not, and left. We filled their shoes.
Wake is the pesky kid brother at times, but is still "kin".