Paterno knew

OJ killed Nicole.
Bill Clinton had sexual relations with the woman.
I can believe it's not butter.
Vad Lee was a mistake.
Yawn. Who cares anymore? Dead men can't defend themselves
Children that are victims of rape will always care - forever.

Things, right now, may seem OK. Counselors may say they are cured. But 50 years from now that victim may awake in the middle of the night screaming and cursing the darkness.
Greg Schiano and another current football coach may have known and not done anything as well.
This is really terrible. As to Paterno, everyone thinks all football coaches will sacrifice everything to win. It is easy to assume that Paterno knew. If he didn't, it sucks for him. If he did, then he got off easy.

The main reason it is terrible is the kids that were abused will always have to deal with it.