Does anyone know?
5 of a class of 20 not bad at all (25%). I saw a program on ESPN that said 60% of UF's incoming football class were exceptions.
My point is not that if one guy fails out we have to stop allowing exceptions. But that if ALL of them struggle then we have to be more careful about who we admit. The opposite is also true. If our coaches are careful about the kind of kids they go after, and our support systems work so that they can succeed in school, then we should be give more leeway. But why would we be obsolete? Haven't we been pretty competitive for the last 11 years?nc, if they were right all along (ASSuming top flight academic assistance was provided), then we are obsolete relative to D-1 matter what system any coach runs.
Also, the academic landscape has shifted in a non-favorable manner since '98-'00.