Petition to Fire Dave Braine


Helluva Engineer
Aug 10, 2003
Please reply to this message if you would like to see Dave Braine fired.
He should have resigned when this thing first came public months ago. He should be terminated immediately as far as I am concerned.
No excuse for this level of mismanagement - he should be fired for not resigning.
Hit the road jack and don't you come back no more, more no more!

[/ QUOTE ]

Go back to YOUR hole over at Buzz Off. We do not need your kind here OF!

One man's opinion, no no no make that at least 2. I know of at least one more who shares the same opinion.
he should have gone on probation with flunkgate.This is WAY too much for him to escape.
I "think" it's totally stupid, Braine is like the Gotti family of TECH. DEATH PENALTY for David Braine would be appropriate. Nobody wants to say it and he apparently thinks it's just another day at the office. Ain't TECH, ain't doing it.

Folks, we desperately need a TECH person at the AD!! (OBVIOUS)..
Offer him the opportunity to resign effective immediately and if he chooses not to go that route, then ax him
Pull the trigger. No pessimists allowed.

I was a three year starter on a GT non-revenue sport team in the late 80's (we were consistantly in the top 10-25 all three years). I could have gone to U of Fla, Auburn, Vanderbilt, Clemson. I picked Tech. Why? It was the best academic school with the best athletic programs that were becoming very strong under Homer Rice's direction. So DB says no one wants to go to Tech. He's just plain wrong. How does he explain the fact that no football player wanted to go to Va Tech before Beamer? Or Miami before Schnellenberger? Univ of Fla before Spurrier? Or Duke before Spurrier for that matter? OR BOBBY ROSS AT GA TECH?

Georgia Tech can be as good as we want to be in any sport if the powers decide to be...
Thank you GTyellowjackets!

Dead on thoughts for someone like me. I may have played in the same Tech non rev program you did, but I was before #10-25 rankings.

At any rate, it just burns me up to hear our AD tell the world that no football player wants to go to Tech. For all the years that he has been here its obvious that he has no affinity for the place that has paid him very handsomely to make sure that great people desire to come to Tech.
In my mind, this is near the top of his failings.

Personally, my dad brought me up thinking it would be a privilege to go to Tech. Compared to Dave Braine's opinion, my father was a fool. Thankfully, my dad was right. Goodbye Dave.
Re: Thank you GTyellowjackets!

"At any rate, it just burns me up to hear our AD tell the world that no football player wants to go to Tech. For all the years that he has been here its obvious that he has no affinity for the place that has paid him very handsomely to make sure that great people desire to come to Tech.
In my mind, this is near the top of his failings."

That"s my feeling; he doesn't have a good understanding of what Tech is. We need someone that does.
I guess Dr. Clough either doesn't care or sees no harm in having an athletic director espouse mediocrity as a goal while permitting an historic penalty being imposed on the institute. If Mr. Braine has a shred of honor left in him he would resign immediately.
This man does not use his "brain" when thinking, speaking, acting....
Absolutely. A smart man in any other area of the business world, anathema for TECH. Dave Braine is the Great Anti-TECH prophesied in the book of revelutions. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugher.gif

I recommend a good ole fashioned tar and feathering. Him and Clough, too. Make 'em both squawk like chickens and ride 'em out of town on a rail! These men are as good as traitors and flim flam artists that have taken us for fools!

Who fires the president? Heads should roll over something like this at Georgia Tech.
