law_bee Dodd-Like Joined Nov 25, 2001 Messages 6,402 Jan 6, 2002 #1 PICS of uconn\'s stadium (looks a little plain to me) LINK LINK
bellyseries Dodd-Like Joined Dec 28, 2001 Messages 4,229 Jan 6, 2002 #2 Re: PICS of uconn\'s stadium (looks a little plain to me) LINK They're excited about it, say it's expandable to 55K
Re: PICS of uconn\'s stadium (looks a little plain to me) LINK They're excited about it, say it's expandable to 55K
bellyseries Dodd-Like Joined Dec 28, 2001 Messages 4,229 Jan 6, 2002 #3 Re: PICS of uconn\'s stadium (looks a little plain to me) LINK Here are drawings of the UConn stadium. Also a picture (logo) of their mascot, a Huskie, a far handsomer canine than the one up the road.
Re: PICS of uconn\'s stadium (looks a little plain to me) LINK Here are drawings of the UConn stadium. Also a picture (logo) of their mascot, a Huskie, a far handsomer canine than the one up the road.