
Nov 25, 2001
we will never be over .500 in the ACC with B'OB at the off coord

we are the only team that did not blast NC

13pts with this group of guys is unbelievable. Fridge would be putting up 40

We deserve this for SHOVING B'OB down CG's throat.
the play calling was not as bad as you make it out to be lawbee. I do agree that there were some calls i didn't
agree with but overall i don't blame BOB.The QB needs some working with alot.I think the bad passes by sugg's made BOB look alot worst calling plays then it really was. By the the way it's easy to second guest!
i want to make one point ..

i don't think BOB is good enough to go out of the way and retain him if Gailey does not want him as the coordinator.

your thoughts?
I thought the playcalling was OK except in a few critical situations. B'OB should know by now AJ cannot produce under pressure and could have devised some kind of razzzzamatazzzz for that last play instead of letting him sit back there and make mistakes!!

The future with AJ scares me. Why are we not recruting any QB's????
To me, it looked as though someone misplaced half the playbook.

Third and long playcalling was awful.
On the brightside though, I've gotten pretty attached to this monkey on my back, I'd probably miss him if he were gone. (I named him Osceola).
I agree with you ylojk8. If a move to replace him is made by "CG" then I think we should support it. But I do not think that the move should be instigated by us.

I thought that there was some real brilliance in our offense today. However, our lack of points shows that something is still not clicking.
The play calling was bad for one simple reason. We didn't call plays that maximized our QB's abilities. The fact of the matter is that AJ has never shown the ability to throw the ball deep with an consistency yet we kept trying to go deep over and over again.

We should have kept running to the oustide and taking the short passes. Everytime we got a good drive going we would try to throw deep and put ourselves in 2nd & 3rd and longs.

Congrats to a great effort by our D and players today. The coaches cost them this game with poor decisions at critical times.
Originally posted by bizzybee:
[QB]I thought the playcalling was OK except in a few critical situations.

You are correct. The bad thing is there really were a lot of critical situations today. Furthermore, there are critical situations in every game. We have been and continue to be in way too many "third and longs."

I'm not correcting you in any way, just adding to what I think you are saying.
if the play calling does not improve we will never beat the good teams

If fridge had this team we would have won by 10+

Our D is one of the best D's we have ever had a GT. I think the D is playing better than any D under O'leary.

The shame is we are wasting that effort b/c of poor play calling.
From "A close second doesn't get it done in our business,'' Georgia Tech coach Chan Gailey said. "It doesn't get it in most businesses.''

It seems like he gets the basic concept.

Also, let it not be lost that Clinkscale had a great game-89 yds on 10 carries. Way to go Gordo!!!
Look, the coaching was good. The defense was good. Special teams were good except those stupid block in the back calls. BOB DID call plays good enough to put up 400 yards. BOB did NOT over throw wide open receivers. BOB did NOT throw an 82 yard interceptions for TD (and miss the tackle). And BOB did NOT throw an interception in the end zone to lose the game. If the QB play matched the rest of the team and coaching this woudl be an easy W. This was a great effort by a well coached team. CG and BOB and the reat of the staff finally deserve kudos but they cannot go execute at the QB spot. Only AJ can step up and take this team to the next level and right now he is not getting it done.
Spellingbee, I agree about the # of critical situations. Frankly, I am aghast at the fact that this guy is our qb. He underthrows or overthrows everybody. He waits too long to release the ball - the wrs are blanketed by then - then he overthrows or underthrows or throws to defense. It is amazing that we have nothing better.

Great kid, perhaps. I do not know him. But less than avg. qb. That, to me, is coaching decision at its worst.
DaveTech just stomped all over it. BizzyBee followed up succintly. The first offensive series for TECH seemed brilliant to me in that it appeared to be a range test for AJ. Good idea that didn't really pan out. GT's QB MUST hit open receivers and yes, open receivers must catch the ball. Good grief....