Playing Polltics


Jolly Good Fellow
Dec 7, 2003
When I heard the news... which I'm still not convinced of until I see it on, but thats neither here nor there, at this point, its probably true. The thought that first went through my head is "crap, the ncaa is going to put us on probation." I hope I'm wrong, but that would help explain this move.

I will be shocked if theres much of a buyout on the contract though, that just seems foolish, but again, I'm not the one paid to make these descisions, however, I/we do pay the ones who do, so lets hope they're making the best descisions for Tech.

I'm also saddened that we don't get to play with our backs against the wall, just to see the kids come out and play a little harder, maybe put one on the Mutts.

To a better next 2nd half of the decade, and may our next 3 games surprise us all /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/drinking.gif
That was my first thought too. I hope we're wrong. I still believe that the NCAA will look at a clean program in general and realize that any serious probation could cause harm to us as badly as the death penalty to SMU. If we get it, then I suspect we deserved it.
I fear the opposite, the NCAA is going to be just like everything else, if you're a screwup all your life, then people expect it, you occasionally get hit big when you really mess up, but for the most part you get to slide by because its expected (Bama, Mutts, etc, etc).

But if you're a good kid, and you have a minor screw up, then they put the screws to you and nail your ass as an example, to make sure that the other good kids don't do the same.

I truly hope I'm wrong on this one, the clean(er) athletic program is one of the things that makes me really love Tech and its going to hurt to have no evidence of that anymore.... and on that note, may Carol Moore burn for this.
Yes, I agree whole heartedly again on every single word you posted.

I am constantly amazed in life that the good kid gets slapped, 'because they can handle it', and the bad kid gets hit less, because they've been pampered their whole life and it would be too tough on them now. Gosh I hope this premise doesn't come into play for us, but I think it will too.