POLL: What are the chances we beat FSU in 2024?

What are the chances that we beat FSU in Ireland?

  • 1,000%

  • 110%

  • 100%

  • 0.9 or less

Results are only viewable after voting.
I was going to go with 1,000 percent but there is that one in a zillion chance they could block a FG with the score tied and six seconds left then run it all the way back with no time on the clock.
I think that would go under 0.9 or less, as 0.9 is the highest number below infinity.
OK, @coit the votes keep coming in, but with over 30 votes cast, the results are already overwhelming. Only 20% favor your 0.9-or-less system, while a staggering 80% favor the 100% or greater options. Your sham poll based on voodoo Coitonomics mathfare ain’t foolin nobody.
That other pole is too confusing with all the math and stuff.
Its not a prediction contest. Its a maximize the points accumulated by your choices contest.

The choices themselves are irrelevant.

What you are suggesting is pretty much equivalent to Vegas setting a point spread of infinity.

Request denied.
Its not a prediction contest. Its a maximize the points accumulated by your choices contest.

The choices themselves are irrelevant.

What you are suggesting is pretty much equivalent to Vegas setting a point spread of infinity.

Request denied.
That sounds like work. Pass.