Practice Report from an Out of Towner


Aug 20, 2003
Maybe a different perspective:

1) We walked into practice a bit early with the rest of the players, strapped on our knee braces and went to work. Our DL is wearing the same knee braces as you'd see from the OL, but holy cow, do these guys look athletic for their size. And good lordy, TJ Barnes is an absolute gargantuan. Not as athletic or slimmed down yet, but he is in Jon Carman's range.

2) I'm not so sure about the little birdie's comments of recent.

3) Our kickers look strong, how effective is unclear to a novice like me.

4) Two hours absolutely flew by. Tech puts out a roster with numbers which is very helpful. The practices are broken into five minute intervals. These guys are highly efficient with their practice time. There is very little standing around, there is virtually zero goofing off, it is highly efficient.

5) The coaches and assistants work their butts off too for two straight hours.

6) Jaybo Shaw looked very steady to me today. I didn't see all his work, but he looked very steady to me and head and shoulders above the rest of the QB's that practiced.

7) Melton looks great. He's big and athletic and I think fits Johnson's system perfectly. I was also impressed with R. B. Clyburn. BeBe is even bigger than last year. I think their size alone is an advantage in Johnson's system.

8) Dwyer is Dwyer, we could use some B Back Backups. I did see Tongo run right with Dwyer across the field once. I was impressed.

9) Marcus Wright may be the smallest player in the NCAA this year. We could use some A Back Backups.

10) Our OL could use some backups.

11) When the first team defense is on the field, I found it hard not to watch the DL and Morgan Burnett. Nothing against the rest, but these guys are very noticeable.
Everytime i watch first team d i cannot stop watching morgan burnett. Its crazy how good he is. The same goes for when tj barnes comes in he just dominates. He is taller that mj!
who was the free safety(#1) for Florida a couple years ago when they won it all...Reggie....W.?

kinda reminds me of that guy.
Reggie Nelson... Nasty hitter and ball-hawk

MB will be better :thumbup:
Well the AJC today reported that Josh in fact was hurt, so I guess I'm not divulging anything. He didn't look all that comfortable to me but if it's a stinger then I guess he'll be back in a day or two.

Gardner was also out. Edwards was with the scout team. I thought maybe it was just a timing thing but the paper said that he had been dropped back after a bad practice.

I was going to report that Frierson looked better to me this year, but it was against the scout team too (and sure enough the paper said that he had been sent down also).

Cooper is a tall kid but fairly skinny yet. He looks very much like another safety of 6 years ago or so.

It's amazing to hear a coach get on someone from 100 yards away. Wow, sound travels some times.

The band takes the field after the football team. Everyone is working hard for us Tech fans.
Thank you sir for a fine report...from ANOTHER out of towner!

I can't wait to watch our Jackets this year.

Thanks for the report, and "Buzz"

This great, perhpas genius:

not in a vacuum, like in space or between the ears of a UGA student
And yet another out-of-towner says thanks to anyone and everyone who posts a practice report. :biggthumpup: