Pre-game psyche-Big game or just another game?


Varsity Lurker
Aug 2, 2002
How is the best way for our coaches to treat this game to best prepare our players mentally before the game? Or does it really matter?

In many ways our rivalry is similar to the Clemson/USC series. USC can never seem to get over the hump and the overall record in that series is very close to GT/UGA. USC even suffered their largest defeat to Clemson recently. Other similar behavior is that the more Clemson wins, the more USC fans and even the players and former coaches seem preoccupied with beating Clemson throughout the year. Spurrier has come in and seems to have downplayed the significance of the rival game- removed off season locker room signage to beat Clemson, downplayed the 'hate' part of the rivalry, and in general seemed to treat the game no different than playing just another game. Will this result in better game performance over time or are game results strictly a function of players making plays?

It has been interesting reading the quotes in the paper this week concerning our rivalry with UGA. It seems pretty consistent that our players consider this the biggest game of the year and if won, defines their success. UGA, on the other hand, seems to only consider that a loss to GT defines their lack of success.

Even Chan, (who I thought was more of the NFL mentality of every game means the same) was quoted as saying he lives with this game 364 days/year. Did he say that because thats what we want to hear? Do our players and coaches put too much pressure on themselves for this game to maximize performance?

I am not suggesting that our rival game be diminished in importance-I personally think the rivalry will live on as long as it is competitive. I am just curious what some of you think is the right approach in dealing with the media, pre-game speeches, etc to maximize the players performance in this game.
Well John, how different were the preparations for the rivalry back in your playing days? And what do you think are the differences (if any) now? I'm talking not just X's and O's but emotional?
We were focused as all get out. We took it personal as well. We hadn't won in 7 years and it needed to stop. Hopefully these men will take it personal and "git r done"
I hope our guys have that same assassin-like focus this year. I know football is a game of emotion, but I get concerned about Reggie getting too emotional in this game. Whether it is the media hype or playing against former high school rivals, he seems to play this game with a big chip on his shoulder.

I love that he plays UGA with such competitiveness, but I'd rather have his persona that showed in the Auburn and Miami games. Anything the coaches could do to bring that out is what I am for.
This is the


and as such the guys shoud be super focused on performance.

/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/nono.gif......and any coach who thinks that this is just another game should uncork their head from their arse

our OC should be going into this game with the mindset of Conan the Barbarian, who when asked "Conan, what are the greatest things in life?", replied:

"The greatest things in life are to Kill your enemy, see them driven before you,....and to hear the lamentations of their women!!!!!!!"

Our DC needs to approach this game like General Maximus, and to urge his players on game night to "UNLEASH HELL"
/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/rockon.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/rockon.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/rockon.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/rockon.gif
We SHOULD have a big "want to" edge on uga.I hope it makes a difference.