Pre-Season All-American Team

First, that's the last time I'm clicking an ESPN link. Despite the fact that I'm now using a modern computer instead of the abacus I had a few months ago, their site still manages to bring my processor to a grinding halt and send my browser into seizures. I know they're not capable of feeling shame, but someone over there, doesn't matter who, really ought to commit suicide to make up for this bullshit. Jesus.

Second, that's the last time I'm reading an ESPN article. The garbage they publish can no longer be discerned from any other Bleacher Report-type nonsense floating around the webnet. It's been a long time since they stopped trying to hide the bullshit-for-hits tactics. Someone, other than the person I mentioned in the first paragraph, really needs to end their own life to begin making amends. This one needs to be Mark Jones.
First, that's the last time I'm clicking an ESPN link. Despite the fact that I'm now using a modern computer instead of the abacus I had a few months ago, their site still manages to bring my processor to a grinding halt and send my browser into seizures. I know they're not capable of feeling shame, but someone over there, doesn't matter who, really ought to commit suicide to make up for this bullshit. Jesus.

Second, that's the last time I'm reading an ESPN article. The garbage they publish can no longer be discerned from any other Bleacher Report-type nonsense floating around the webnet. It's been a long time since they stopped trying to hide the bullshit-for-hits tactics. Someone, other than the person I mentioned in the first paragraph, really needs to end their own life to begin making amends. This one needs to be Mark Jones.
ESPN's link was slower than a tennessee fan trying to sound out "cat in the hat" to win Life's Champion award
ESPN's link was slower than a tennessee fan trying to sound out "cat in the hat" to win Life's Champion award
Cat in the Hat is the second most overrated Dr. Seuss book out there, behind One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish. Green Eggs and Ham is underrated.