Pred Con 11/11 games are up*


It is going to come down to the Wake Forest/FSU game Contact. I see you still are refusing to accept Wake Forest's legitimacy, as you said they would lose last week too.

Discounting Wake will bite you in the ass this time my repitilian friend!!!:thumbup:
Re: Contact

TechGator1066 said:
It is going to come down to the Wake Forest/FSU game Contact. I see you still are refusing to accept Wake Forest's legitimacy, as you said they would lose last week too.

Discounting Wake will bite you in the ass this time my repitilian friend!!!:thumbup:
I'm still picking them ATS. I have more confidence in them than the general population.

I guess we're on a similar picking wavelength - this is turning into a 2 man race.
I think if you took the time to look at past years (all the final stats are posted on the pred site) you would see that is not true.

Bowl games account for ~60 pts and I believe only when Scudtechster won it a few years ago was it a runaway. I think the winner last year was in 5th place lagging by 7pts.

There is still around 100pts on the table so probably 15 members are still in it.
gtfan said:
I think if you took the time to look at past years (all the final stats are posted on the pred site) you would see that is not true.

Bowl games account for ~60 pts and I believe only when Scudtechster won it a few years ago was it a runaway. I think the winner last year was in 5th place lagging by 7pts.

There is still around 100pts on the table so probably 15 members are still in it.
gtfan - I was being somewhat facetious.
gtfan said:
There is still around 100pts on the table so probably 15 members are still in it.

15th from the top! Yeah baby, I'm still in it! The rest of you should probably just quit now!
gtfan said:
I think if you took the time to look at past years (all the final stats are posted on the pred site) you would see that is not true.

Bowl games account for ~60 pts and I believe only when Scudtechster won it a few years ago was it a runaway. I think the winner last year was in 5th place lagging by 7pts.

There is still around 100pts on the table so probably 15 members are still in it.

As long as Mover is not in it I am HAPPY!! He has been getting lucky as crap this year. No way he is that darn good!!!!!!