Pred Con 9/6 games are UP!*


Sith Lord
Staff member
Oct 15, 2001
New Standings Released & Pred Con 9/6 games are UP!*

gtfan, when did you decide to only pick 6 games a week instead of 7 games a week?
Also, since you list the all time percentage performances not to get picky but I will. My 2003 % was better than Golfer's 2005 %, but he won it that year and I didn't. But since its all time percentages, I just thought it would be nice if I was on the leader board as I came in second to Scudtechster that year who up until last season held the highest % ever.

it should NOT read "all time %" it should be just all time performance. Beestorm handles the web info and the title is incorrect

After 7 years I have developed a criteria (that I believe) recognizes pred con excellence

1. %
2. relative position to competitors in that particular year

so even though your % may be higher than someone else's in another year your performance is less b/c of your relative ranking

No more than 3 contestants will be listed from any year and the annual winner will always be listed

typically 60% is the cutoff

this is the first time that I have posted my rationale for top performance and feel free to offer your opinions

I am trying to provide recognition that is not arbitrary and that actually represents an actual acheivment.
I feel your system sucks because I am not on it. :laugher:


And btw you flippin cheated in week one and I will find the way to prove it!!:laugher:

At least I am ahead of fat arse Mover thus far.