Prediction contest: Anyone interested...


Probably Drinks Cosmopolitans
Jul 23, 2002
in an unofficial update? I only calculated scores for those within earshot of catching the leaders (and for fridgemover and bro)

Bowl scoring leaders through 12 games (36 possible points):
gtwcf - 30
GESJacket - 29
GTGOLFER, midatlantech - 28
Ntexasbuzz, fridgemover - 27
techsamillion, SimpleGT - 26

Overall leaders:
JacketOB - 219
ntexasbuzz - 218
GoTech1971, TechGator1066 - 214
ContactBuzz - 213
gtwcf, Bogey, techsamillion, JacketIM, GTPilot - 212

And in the most important battle:
fridgemover - 27
Moveroffridge2 - 13


Lowest point scorer of the ones I've calculated - BarrelofRum - 10 (including 6 pts in yesterday's games)

By the way - the current leader on the "Top Performances" list has a percentage of 63.1% - there are currently 14 surpassing that number and another 5 that are within 2.0% points of passing it.
refrigeratormover said:
And in the most important battle:
fridgemover - 27
Moveroffridge2 - 13


Dude, you suck!

Look here DUDE!!!!! IfI wanted your opinion I would have smacked the shi* out of you to get that opinion.

It'll be the only thing you beat me no no...wait a used to beat me to the dinner table all the time.:laugher: :laugher:

Way to step out on a limb for those picks there Sean Hannity!!
MoverofFridge2 said:
Look here DUDE!!!!! IfI wanted your opinion I would have smacked the shi* out of you to get that opinion.

It'll be the only thing you beat me no no...wait a used to beat me to the dinner table all the time.:laugher: :laugher:

Way to step out on a limb for those picks there Sean Hannity!!

GTO would be proud of me heheheehheehe