pregame analysis...


Sith Lord
Staff member
Oct 15, 2001
Axe has volunteered to take the lead and summarize the match ups and others (GTadamni, Jguy) have stated they plan on offering contributions.

I want to take this time to make it clear that these threads will stay focused on serious pregame analysis.

IF ANYONE deviates from the topic their reply will be deleted. These people will be free to start a new topic and voice their concerns/thoughts.

As stingtalk is growing we need to attempt to keep the threads crisp with relevant discussion to that thread. Some minor deviation is understandable, but if it goes further than that a new thread should be started.

This is not an issue of censorship, however it is an issue of keeping the board easy to follow. Everyone is free to open up any topic, but everyone is not free to sidetrack other topics.

One of the reasons this software/format was chosen was because of its ability to separate topics and forums.

As we are getting closer to the start of THE season I know that people want to have constructive discussions.

Take the time to experiment with the prediction program that is on the menu. We are testing it and want people to try it out and make comments.
