Pretty Darn Good Quotes from PJ

Sep 16, 2008
Just listening to Paul Johnson's radio show recap had some interesting things to say:

"It is a noon game. That gives them much less time to be in the kool-aid"-PJ

"We can't worry about Clemson, we have to worry about Georgia Tech. Anytime anything changes it's like you got a clean slate. You know, now you can blame everything on the guy that just left, and they (Clemson) have got 2 guys they can blame it on, because 2 guys left (laughs), and their going to come out with renewed enthusiasm and it's like "Ok we've got the answers here we go la te da"...and it's up to us (GT) to match their intensity and punch them in the mouth, and then they (CU) say "OK nothing much has changed""- Fine words by Coach Paul Johnson on Saturday's game against Clemson.

He just tells it like it is!
Here is an old quote that applies to GT...

There's a line between being cocky and being confident in yourself. That's what we pushed. You're Georgia Southern. You're supposed to win so don't be surprised when you do.

Paul Johnson 7/28/98
I'm reminded of an old Bobby Dodd line, "You boys are just a little bit better when you put on that Georgie Tech uniform."
It is kind of refreshing to hear an honest guy given all the BS that is laid out there in all realms of public discourse.

And he's OUR GUY to boot!

The "GT All-Access" takes you to a CBS College Sports archive of various Tech clips, including the call-in shows. I really want to hear him say "la te da."

BTW, for some reason the audio doesn't start until over 20 minutes into that clip (no joke). So don't sit around waiting for it to start unless you like generic marching band music.