QB transfers from UGA?


Damn Good Rat
Aug 30, 2005
AJC column speculating that there could be transfers out of the cesspool, depending upon who is named the starter. Hinting that Joe Cox might want out if he doesn't get some PT.

AJC article: QB transfers from UGA

Just for the sake of discussion, assuming that we would be the recipient of one of these transfers, which one of the two, Barnes or Cox would you guys prefer to have on the Flats?
I'd say that we would not get either one...with the AU transfer & considering that we will pick up one more QB at least in 2007. I am not sure either one of them would end up playing on the flats... Outside of that I don't know enough about either to have a preference of one over the other.
The Auburn transfer is a walk-on....and just as with anyone that wants to try and walk-on, you earn a scholarship by winning the position.

So...if someone chooses to come to Tech on their own and wants to walk on (i.e. Booker) then it would be of their own accord. I do not see us going after any of the UGA kids. I guess it is always a possibility if we miss on Threet and Nesbitt...but I doubt that happens.
didn't mean to imply that we had given Booker a Scholarship only that we would have quite a few QB on our roster w/ current situation plus if we get Neb or Threet then we'd be that much deeper. PLUS if Cox does transfer then, he's looking to get out for PT which could be tough.....ALTHOUGH football starting positions are earned & not given out so if they want to compete and rise to occasion then....."May the best man win!"
typically these kids end up going "home" which means he would go to one of the four North Carolina schools.
If we could get Cox I would love him. Still say he reminded me as a HS Senior at Charlotte Independence of a young Brett Favre.
Tereshinski starts the season at QB. Matthew Stafford starts the Tech game. Stafford is the real deal. I predict he will be a record setter in Athens.

Cox is probably gone. Blake sticks around.
to beat UGA, we need better players at key areas

Taking their sloppy seconds doesn't seem like the best way to gain competitive ground on them.

Re: to beat UGA, we need better players at key areas

There is no way a QB could transfer from UGA to GT. The players are basically under contract and in order for them to be released from their contrats, the University has to approve the school they will be attending. That is why players normally transfer to a different conference or at least a different division in the conference. UGA would not approve Tech and in stead would probably try to get them to go to a school UGA wouldn't have to play. I don't want UGA's sloppy seconds anyway.
Re: to beat UGA, we need better players at key areas

I think the bigger issue is that Cox has already burned a RS year. If he waits until after school starts to transfer I think he loses next year and another? Somebody help me out with that. Plus as you mention, ugag would have to release him or it's 2 years. I doubt they'd release him to Tech. Most schools don't let players transfer somewhere they will play them.

So basically do you take a transfer and only get 1-2 years out of them? My guess is he goes to a lower division if he leaves so he can start right away.
neither--who wants their disgruntled children-- /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/nono.gif
Re: to beat UGA, we need better players at key areas

This what happened with Quitsy Carter, remember?
GOL fought the release to uga tooth and nail, but carter won.
I'm very happy QC was granted his wish! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/readthis.gif
Re: to beat UGA, we need better players at key areas

Carter was different because he never enrolled, and played pro baseball instead. We lost an NCAA appeal I believe. Normally a player can transfer and sit out 1 year if the school gives them a release, or 2 if the school doesn't.
Re: to beat UGA, we need better players at key areas

We lost an NCAA appeal I believe. Normally a player can transfer and sit out 1 year if the school gives them a release, or 2 if the school doesn't.

[/ QUOTE ]

You are correct. So, was his appeal over whether he could throw interceptions immediately at uga, and not have to sit out at all?
He obviously didn't like his chances of dethroning our #14.
Re: to beat UGA, we need better players at key areas

I can't remember whether he had to sit out at all since he never enrolled. You are right though, he was in a huge hurry to start throwing INTs and losing to TN, FL and of course the Jackets. Actually if we made him sit out a year we probably cost ourselves a win! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugher.gif
Re: to beat UGA, we need better players at key areas

...Not that it matters, but don't forget about his 5 picks against SC. I want to say that was in 1998. He is my favorite uga player of all time.
Felipe Claybrooks is still finding parts of quincey's jersey with a toothpick after a good meal!