Question for Chan Haters and please be honest.


Varsity Lurker
Oct 19, 2005
At the current time do you believe we could hire a better person than Chan to lead us forward? Please keep the rant down but please address why GT would be attractive to a better coach given the gale force headwinds from the Hill and the current probation situation. Also please make sure to address the ineptitude of the current AD. In other words, try to address situation instead of allowing your hatred ignore all else.

Just to kick it off, let me suggest that Chan is a very solid football coach with impeccable integrity. Please recall that GOL threatened to leave if we did not enlarge the stadium. We did and he left anyway. Is that what you want for long term stability and growth?

Just to kick it off, let me suggest that Chan is a very solid football coach with impeccable integrity. Please recall that GOL threatened to leave if we did not enlarge the stadium. We did and he left anyway. Is that what you want for long term stability and growth?


[/ QUOTE ]

I only highlight this latter portion of your post because it would look more stupid to repeat the whole thing.

I am not a so called Chan Hater, but I couldn't resist.
In the part I did hilite, you sound like a jilted lover about O'Leary.
Yes, he did demand in his way the building enlargement and improvement. Are you saying that George screwed us over because of the improvements?

I'm sorry, but the tone of your post says that you would accept another coach if he promises us to never leave.
Not a real endorsement for CG, I think.

To be clear, I want CG to be here as long as he does what the majority of Tech fans demand of him. Is Chan loyal enough to us to do that?
While I'm not a "Chan Hater"...
I do find it interesting that you frame your question... "Is there a better coach than Chan?" With multiple parameters...
Yes, I think that there are better coaches than Chan...
Now, I'll answer within your framework...

I believe that at TECH there are given restrictions that any coach has to work within...
I'm not so sure that the NCAA 'sanctions' are as bad for TECH as we've been led to believe...
If this were handed down at Ohio St., or Oregon, or Missouri, or Ole Miss... I think it would have adverse affects.... But... at TECH we're always operating with a few more academic failures and academic no qualifiers than the 'ordinary' institution... the Coaching Staff will have to do without 'borderline' qualifiers for the near future...

Regarding our AD... In a microscope... I think that Braine is a good AD... He understands that consistency is the most important quality in Div 1 athletics today... over time a program, if successful, will receive higher and higher pre-season poll positions until they earn a consistent top ten... once the top ten position is attained then the MNC is in reach... that is what he is trying to put TECH in a position to recieve... a glance at Auburn over the past 5 years will be the model on how 'Not to earn nat'l respect and a shot at a National Championship'... i.e. lets go find a new coach every time "we" think he's failed...

In regards to your comments about physical improvements...
GOL has a firm grasp of current market trends...
If your stadium is not relatively new, if your practice facilities smell of mothballs, if you have no idea how to assist scholarship athletes in graduating then you are behind the times and will not draw the top performers......

Do I think that CG is a good coach??? Yes....
Things I would like to see improved... mental errors....
TECH will not succeed now, or in the future with mistakes in the mental arena....
TECH is an Engineering school mental errors and lack of preparation should never be an excuse for losing...
I've witnessed the recurrance of mental errors under Gailey for several years now and until he eliminates this deficiency I will always believe that there is a better coach...

To Hell With Georgia!!!
First .. Please tell me why someone is considered as a hater of someone just because they dont like the job he is doing.
I do not hate him, as a matter of fact he was friendly every time I was around him but he has no personality so all the young kids in Ga grow up being a dawg fan
I would read about how we were lucky to get someone with his experience when he first came here but after all the screw ups in his first year I read of how he was learning. Which is it ?
We need a young energetic man, someone that can hire good assistants and be a leader off the field and hopefully enlarge our fan base GOL had people afraid to miss a game and Chan dont seem to care if anyone is there or not
Face it, he is not a leader and his offense sucks yet he refuses to do anything about it
BTW,I am old and retired and would love to go to all the practices and home and away games now but nothing excites me and makes me want to go
Curious about a couple of things.

First you blame Chan's personality for kids in Ga growing up dog fans? So he's been our coach since the 60s I guess, because that's about as long as most kids in Ga have gravitated towards ugag.

Also, you state he's not a leader. So then why do our players go out of their way to speak well of him? They have rallied around him every time he's been attacked. PJ, Reggie, CJ, etc. Somebody evidently thinks he's a leader.

Finally, if you think ANY coach could come into Tech and magically make us as popular in state as ugag you're suffering from dementia. Simply isn't going to happen.
I really don't like terms like "Chan Hater" or "Chan Basher" but I suppose I would count as someone who has been and continues to be highly critical of Chan. I don't deny that Chan is a great man and probably knows more about football than most people ever will, but based on what I've seen so far, I just don't think he's the kind of coach who can lead Tech to conference and/or national championships and I do think there are possibly better coaches out there who would jump at the chance to coach for a school situated in the heart of a metropolis that serves as the capitol of southern football and a program that competes in a top-tier BCS league. I'm not saying Chan should be replaced or anything like that by any means but we should never think we can't find someone better.
Did I dream up the fact that Chan just signed a five year deal? I don't think so. This is a moot point. Stop antagonizing the people who aren't happy about Chan. Most are reasonable people who support Tech and don't deserve to be called Chan haters.

Chan's here for a while, let's get behind him for at least the next two years no matter what. And yes, I was among those who did not think an extension was appropriate at 6-3, but, considering that they were very intelligent in how it was designed, and the fact that we DID meet the 7-4 expectations that most set forth, I'm fine with Chan as coach for at least the next three years.

I think it only degrades the institution and football coach to talk about "who we could get to come here."

I look forward to seeing all of you at the Gator Bowl. (fingers crossed)

As far as AD, I've always been and always will be a fan of Coach Braine. We've hashed this out too much though and anyone who cares can go review old posts. But we are all aware he is nearing retirement and I hope we bring someone in near retirement again who will be an excellent fundraiser. Even if that person is shamelessly campaigning for the job. If you can bring in the money over four years, let marketing work, and retain our top coaches, I'll be behind you. Meanwhile, I think we keep a good eye on Orsini at UCF and Stansbury, along with the other young Tech connected folks out there in administration. Either that or see who is young and bright and climbing at top notch academic and athletic institutions like USC (west), Texas, et al.