midatlantech said:
What was the post, inquiring minds want to know.
THWG, you can call the credit card company and stop those payments by the way.
I think it was a series of very inflammatory posts on Saturday night. I'm not sure it was one per se. More than calling Regiie names, I was calling posters names who had previously hailed RB as the best QB to ever play at GT. I was beyond frustrated and beyond sober.
I took sunday off to recoup and repent.
Monday I think I had two posts and I might have called his play pathetic but I hardly see that as bashing; I thought I was being complimentary.:laugher:
JOJATK and I got into it a few weeks ago when I questioned why after a hard-fought GT win where so many players played so great he thought giving RB a the game ball was worthwhile. Basically, we had won a game, like many this year, in spite of RB and it seemed not only foolish but rather incendiary to give rB so much credit when he had tried to give the game away but TC, the defsense and ST had won it for us.
JOJATK empowers many other obviously insecure and incredibly introverted nerds who know no other college football fans to get on there week after week and massage the Balls regardless of how bad he played. I mean the guy should be the CEO of Home Depot the way they build up his leadership skills even though every neutral observor I know thinks RB is a selfish, immature, jerk (including some current GT students who despise him).
So, rather than leaving RB alone and letting him finish his career, JOJATK says he is proud to be a RB apologist. If folks would admit RB is what he is, then most would not mind the love. but when they build him up to be a Sid Thrift when he is fact one of the worst 4 year starting QBs to ever play the game, the powder keg is likely to ignite...and that performance Saturday afternoon in Athens coupled with a lot of Woodford Reserve was the dynamite The Hive needed.
But, no there was no one comment toward Reggie that was any more harsh than what I have just said. I do think in repsonse to someone I said, "Ball sucks the Hive's Balls," which I thought was an accuaate play on words and the only explanation for the apologists like JOJATK. RB must be making them feel good in a way he has never made me feel and I thought maybe a few of the Hive Five had been licked by Reggie. Again that was Saturday night and the mods would have had to go back 10-15 pages or more to find that quote. But, I tend to think it's quite an accurate quote. He has done something for guys like JOJATK that only my wife has doen for me because that's the only way they could see what they see in him.