Question for those who follow Ga. HS FB


Varsity Lurker
Dec 18, 2003
As some of you may know I am a HS coach up here is SC, Greenville County to be exact. In the county there are some 14 HS's and numerous other MS's and so forth. Greenville Hospital System has an agreement worked out with Greenville County School System where the hospital system provides free of charge to all high schools a certified athletic trainer. These trainers are full time hospital employees, but they are assigned to their own high school where they have a permanent office and are at the HS everyday unless they have vacation. This has been the case for at least 5 years. Starting this year the hospital is also placing trainers at the middle schools as well which is important to me because I am a head coach of a C-team (7th-9th grade) and now I have my own trainer while JV and Varsity have their own trainer as well. My question is this, does GA do the same type of thing? I was wondering this in thinking of the untimely and horrible death of the 15 year old HS student earlier this week. Are there trainers supplied by hospitals and such or is it up to each school to seek out and hire their own trainer?
I don't know how it is now (and it's probably changed), but back in the early-mid 90's, High School's had to find their own trainers.
If any such system is in place in GA, it is new to me. Saying that, I also must say that I haven't followed HS that closely here since our kids all graduated some years back. Sounds like there is enough merit in that idea that we may ought to be looking at it though.
Have there been any glitches in this type system that you would like to make any other areas aware of?
I've never heard of any state doing that. What an excellent program.
I have not found a flaw in it yet, it really works out great, this year will be even better with the C-team playing before JV's, the JV and Varsity trainer will be able to take her time and stay at the school until the JV's leave, and it will still allow for me to have a trainer there at all times. One plus of it is I have already found, is that we will now have two trainers on the sidelines on Friday nights instead of just one.
I coach middle school here in Roswell GA and have also coached Varsity for four. We do not have trainers at our practices for the middle school although I understand that we are supposed to begin having one soon. We have paramedics at our scrimmages and games which has been very valuable on several occassions.
Banker, apparently I don't know how to PM. I will get in touch with you soon.

Harrison is playing 7th grade ball at Dickerson which feeds into Walton, would we be playing against each other. It's the NGFL I believe.
Yeah I think we play Walton this year. I am coaching two of my boys on the sixth grade team. I coach at Centennial in Roswell and used to coach at Roswell.
I think Travis and Blazek have a couple kids playing 8th grade at Kell around the corner from you. JT has one at Kennesaw mountain. There are several former GT players with kids in the league.

We have ten coaches on our staff and several played college ball.One of the guys I coach with played at UT and with the Giants. Its amazing when you look at the coaching talent at alot of these schools. Heck of alot different from when I was in middle school.