Question to insiders...


Varsity Lurker
Sep 27, 2007
Why is Chris Peterson not being mentioned at all? I brought him up before CCG got canned and most everyone agreed we couldn't get him. Well, he's lost two games this year. Still a good year though and since the losses he's off the rader for big schools this year.

Give him another year though and big schools will be again banging his door down. He is paid 850k a year we could easily double that and pay him less than what we'd pay PJ.

Think about the recruits we'd get with his type of passing game!

The only downside is recruiting. But, maybe with an outsider he'd have to rely on people all ready on staff to help with that. Maybe retain Tenuta and Giff! :-)

So, how come his name isn't in the loop?
He's supposedly on UCLA's list. It's probably just an East coast West coast thing.
He told UCLA thanks but no thanks, I don't think he would come this way either.
Most people know about the UCLA connection I'm just wondering if there was ever interest on our part? And, if their was would y'all be interested?

We could afford to pay him twice what he is getting or more and the opportunity to coach in GA. We're in a recruiting hotbed, major conference. And, plus if he went to coach UCLA he'd have to live in LA. Have you guys been there? I wouldn't take that job either! Seriously, I think we're a better job than UCLA.
He's going to stay in Boise.

Till a school in a major conference comes along and pays him more than 850k a year dang tooting he'll stay in Boise. We don't even want to go to Boise for 2 days. He lives there! And, he's a great winning BCS bowl coach, young, full of energy and he gets payed peanuts! We could bag him if we'd pay him. All right I'll get off the subject since no one else seems to think he'd work as our HC. :dunno:

But, mark my words. He'll leave Boise soon for a major school and based on his record he'll do wonders for them.
I've been wondering the same thing. His name came up before and shortly after Gailey was fired, so I'm curious why it hasn't come up again. It sounds like he's exactly what Dan's looking for...
I don't think people are saying it wouldn't work, just that for whatever reason he's not on our radar so why worry about it? I'd love to have him fwiw, but no one's asked me.
Would we have to change our field color. Yellow grass would be a beautiful thing!
The last Boise coach was all that. What's his name and what is he doing now?
Would we have to change our field color. Yellow grass would be a beautiful thing!

City of Atlanta water authority has a master plan to get all of North Georgia 'Yellow Grass'.
Dan Hawkins is in his 2nd year rebuilding Colorado after the Barnett debacle. Incidentally, he beat Oklahoma this year just like his form assistant did last year in the Fiesta.
He played college ball with our team doctor. Maybe Dr. X could call him up.