Question to those w/ Football expertise


Damn Good Rat
Aug 30, 2005
I have often read on this board and others, that Reggie Ball has been lacking in the fundamentals, regarding the mechanics of his throwing, i.e., he often throws off of his back foot. However, I was listening to a program the other week on talk radio (ESPN Radio, in fact) and they were discussing NFL quarterbacks. One of the commentators stated WTTE that a quarterback would not be able to make it in the NFL if he didn't have the ability to throw off of his back foot. And since I have so often read just the opposite here and elsewhere, I'm asking for comments....clarification.....rebuttal.
You have to have the ability in the NFL to throw off your back foot because of the pocket pressure. True, not many can do it successfully. But simple fundamentals says you want to step into your throw to insure best accuracy. When you throw off your back foot your not putting the mustard on it and the ball has a tendency to hang up in the air and is more prone to interceptions. It also doesn't go as far.

Reggie's problem is he is not an NFL QB and he consistently throws off his back foot when feeling any pressure at all instead of stepping up in the pocket which is what they try to teach QB's so they can avoid the pressure AND make good throws.
If you watch him, Reggie not only frequently throws off of his back foot, but also off of no foot at all. Here are some examples of poor throwing form.



This isn't always his fault, of course, sometimes he is running for his life.
The only problem I have with your examples mm is that we don't know the context. For example, on the bottom one, was he rolling out and throwing on the run? I agree Reggie doesn't have good fundamentals, but your proof doesn't hold up.
Yep mm, if you went off of your pictures only, then CJ is a terrible WR because he doesn't have his body over his feet like you'd want good athletes to do.
It was not intent to "prove" anything. Anyone who has watched Reggie play knows that he sometimes throws off his back foot and sometimes throws with both feet off the ground.