Question: What Year was the "Fish Bowl" with N.D.?


Varsity Lurker
Aug 26, 2004
Question: What Year was the \"Fish Bowl\" with N.D.?

Thanks. Got a Thanksgiving Day bet now riding. I thought it was 1978. Let me know anyone.
Actually, there were two...

1978 was one, but the "original" was 1969.

It was my freshman year. Night game and it was cold. They beat us 38-6. Our only points came off a 100+ yard interception by Jeff Ford. We (the students) really pelted the ND players with crap including at least one fish. One ND assistant coach was hit in the face with a coke can. I read somewhere that Ara pulled his team to midfield and told the refs he was pulling his team for their safety if it didn't stop. I don't remember that however. The game was one of the few on TV, to boot.

We (the students) were really blasted by the media. Not one of our finest hours.

At least that's how this old fart remembers it.
38-20 was the \'69 final....

and St. Ara deserved whatever foul treatment he got.

The press loved him, but if he could play his 1st team for 59 minutes and win 63-0, he would.

The rest of your recollection is correct.

And I was sore for a week after having ND's of an AA DT Mike McCoy (really a fat slob) beat on me on punts. He was depositing me at Tommy Chapman's feet on every punt.
You sir are correct....

and I knew I could count on you to keep my old brain cells honest. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/pat.gif

I remember that Ara kept Theisman in the game and was calling time outs and throwing in the end zone right to the end. If I recall, that's what started our "unruly" behavior. In fact, I never cared much about Notre Dame one way or the other until that game. I've disliked them ever since.

I remember Mike McCoy. He had lots of pub. I'm amazed that he wasn't in very good shape. But that just shows what playing at ND can do for you, I guess.

How could I forget that score? At least I'm glad the rest of my memory didn't fail me.

Again, thanks for the correction.
Re: Question: What Year was the \"Fish Bowl\" with N.D.?

It was 78'.I was sitting in the north end zone,and after ND forced a punt,up 38-6,Montana led their offense on the field,to a chorus of boos.Up in the upper east stands,I saw a fraternity kid,that was about five feet tall,wind up like he was throwing the hammer,and drop a mackrel on about the ten yard line.And then the fun began,so much that Dan Devine pulled his team to the middle of the field.
Re: Question: What Year was the \"Fish Bowl\" with N.D.?

Forgot something.Funny thing about both games,69'and 78',was that the score was 38-20,in both games.
Re: Question: What Year was the \"Fish Bowl\" with N.D.?

I don't remember if it was a fraternity brother or his date that got in the bag of Irish Potatoes.
Whatever the case, my game date from Agnes Scott didn't see the humor of it all, and left. She must have been a closet ND fan. Oh well.
Re: Question: What Year was the \"Fish Bowl\" with N.D.?

I'm not sure of the year, I think it was my freshman yr,'65, but I remember seeing a Jack Daniels Black bottle arcing out of the stands toward the field and hoping it was empty,didn't want to waste good whiskey!!

Re: Question: What Year was the \"Fish Bowl\" with N.D.?

Just curious:

If the wind, rain, etc. was removed as a variable, what would 2.5oz of Jack Daniel's in an otherwise empty fifth bottle do to its flight characteristics?
How much would that last unused shot /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/drink1.gif affect accuracy?

I was just a struggling manageer "student". What type of engineering would this problem fall under? /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugher.gif
Re: Question: What Year was the \"Fish Bowl\" with N.D.?

I and my two oldest sons were there also in the lower east.
Re: Question: What Year was the \"Fish Bowl\" with N

The good that men do lives after them, and the evil is oft interred with their bones.

I was sitting next to the frat boy who wound up and heaved the big fish. It was a mullet, not a mackerel. The guy had it wrapped in plastic and stuffed into the small of his back, under the vest and jacket of a really nice 3-piece suit.

We got so rowdy at that game that the fish tosser jumped up in the air, and came down on my wife's foot. Broke her toe, but we stayed to watch the whole game. She is a fan, too.
Re: 38-20 was the \'69 final....

I remember two things from that game.
1) New cheer from the students, " Go to hell, notre dame, go to hell." The TV announcers even commented about it.

2) 4th and short at the nd 28. Play action up the middle, Dexter Hoffman lobs a pass to a diving Herman Lam in the end zone.