Questions About Tech Ever Competing At A High Level Again Are...


Varsity Lurker
Nov 19, 2001
CRAZY! Haven't y'all figured it out yet? In college football, if you have a dynamic coach who attracts young people and they would walk through fire for him, and have top notch facilities, then you are going to have a great program. Is Gailey this man? We will know in about seven more games, not by the record, but by the teams mental toughness. As I mentioned before, I'm really not going to judge Gailey by the record this year because of all the crap that has gone on, but we should win at least four or five and show improvement. If the team ends this season with the same attitude as the last two games in 02, then there is no need to wait, make a change, get the right man, and start winning right off the bat. I really have not followed recruiting but it seems to be going pretty good. Am I right on that?

South Georgia Jacket
one thing is absolutely certain...whether Gailey wins or loses, his personality is not "dynamic".
Good Point South Ga.
Unless a miracle happens, I don't see us winning a lot of games this year. Sad to say, but that's just the way I see it. Won't shake my love for GT or my confidence in Chan Gailey though. I still say he is the right man for the job. Next year may not be a great one either but after that I think we will be pleased once again.
I already see a great difference in the attitude by what the posters have stated and by the GREAT output of the players in the weight room during the off season. We saw earlier that some records were broken by this team in the strength conditioning area. Sure, it will take more than muscle to turn last season around, but at least we can see a change in attitude from the quitting to the working.
SGa, recruiting has started better than the last 2 yrs combined. The last 2 yrs he has grabbed straws toward the end. We'll see if he has a finishing kick this yr. We are way behind most on our schedule in recruiting over the past 2 yrs.
Gailey's record of keeping players @ GT is not very good either. Lost Holiday, Poree during '02 season, McHargue quit, Pena left, lost 4 Fr to academics, etc. Will like to see how many he keeps after Spring '04.

Let me say this; mental toughness in football means Ws. If GT goes 3-9,4-8, I will most certainly assure all that GT was not mentally tough or even had a decent football mentality.

With that theory then you would have to say that Bobby Ross's 1st 2 teams at GT were not mentally tough?? Those that know the situation know that it was a lot to do with Curry's players not taking to Ross..Might be a little of that with this current team...ALWAYS a tough transistion the 1st 2 to 3 years at GT..ALWAYS has been in ANY coaching change here!!!

As to Poree and Holiday..They were complete Busts as players under Oleary and last year..a lot of Hype with both that never panned out..Poree had his troubles at Notre dame before he even got here...AND we ALL know about Flunkgate/Carol to say Coach Gailey cant retain players is way too premature..lets discuss this after his 2005 year..we will have a better gauge.....
It's obvious from my posts that I have my doubts about Gailey but it is sheer fantasy to think we could lure a Frank Beamer or anybody like that right now. Here's how the phone conversation would go:

Braine: I would like to talk to you about the Georgia Tech job. Are you interested?

Big Time Coach: In the expanded ACC, I'd sure like to talk about it.

Braine: Let me give you the rules up front. You can't recruit anybody who makes less than 950 on their SAT regardless of GPA. Also, if you get involved on the academic side, we will treat you like Jim Harrick Jr.

Big Time Coach: (click)

Braine: Hello? Hello?

Tom O'Brien is a 7-4 type coach. He saw the academic situation coming to Tech and didn't think he could come near that. Instead, he decided to stay at a private Jesuit school that is overshadowed nationally by Notre Dame and locally by the Boston professional teams. BC is a fine school but has nowhere near the football traditon of Tech. When a coach thinks he has better situation with those constraints than at Tech, it speaks volumes.
3518techie, you make some good points but overstate things a bit IMO. First I would hope we would fire anyone who gets involved in academics like Harrick did. He cheated, so he should be fired. But to imply that our coach cannot get involved in academics is untrue now. It probably was part of what O'Brien wouldn't go for at the time and may explain his reluctance to make the move.

As far as the 950 "rule", that has never been substantiated by anyone. The point is we should only recruit kids who demonstrate the ability to handle the classwork at Tech. However we determine that if fine by me, but the only way to keep them in school is to make sure they can do the work to start with. That does present a problem some of our competitors don't have, but it's just a fact of life at GT.
3518...I think you are on to something there!!

Things HAVE to change from the Higher UPs..PERIOD....

I think Chan was misled and to some extent Bobby Ross was when he 1st got here..You got the feeling in talking with Ross he felt that way...
NCjacket, my point about Jim Harrick Jr was that Gailey was treated like a criminal by Clough 5 seconds after he was hired. He couldn't talk to professors because Clough said that was intimidation. Does Clough think Gailey, a devout Christian, would commit essentially what is academic fraud? Was Clough implying that O'Leary forced professors to give players grades they didn't earn (academic fraud)?
About that reference to Poree and Holliday, didn't Tony Hollings get in GOL's doghouse??

3518techie, I understood your point, just wanted to be clear that there is the wrong way for coaches to be involved in academics. And FWIW, I worked a number of years at another ACC school and had almost daily contact with the athletic assoc. I don't for a minute believe the changes to the advising process were GTAA driven. That's not how universities work in my experience. Not saying Braine didn't go along, he may very well have supported the changes. But by all reports that's not how it's done at VT so he didn't bring that idea with him. My money's on Clough and the senior academic officers - no way that kind of change occurs without them wanting it. Like I said, I don't have any evidence, but from years of working with both that's the most likely scenario in my mind.

And to your point about academic fraud, I would never claim that had occured. Although I do have to admit it's kind of strange to read some of the comments on the boards about flunkgate. Many have said WTTE "we flunked those kids out". The question no one has evered answered for me is this. Other than providing advising on classes to take, tutoring and making sure they attend class, what else is required of the Institute? I assume 1 and 2 were done and that 3 was allowed to slip. So if the reason they flunked is that they didn't go to class, then I don't have too much sympathy. Now we should have been all over them and that might have solved the problem for some, but when I am told that a jr had a 1.9 GPA going into spring semester, it seems like he helped us flunk him out. Others have claimed O'Leary would have kept Joe Burns eligible. I want to know how? Did he not flunk his classes? So what would George have done?

I totally agree we screwed up royally in making the academic changes. Moore didn't seem to care one way or the other about the athletes. But when you get to the details it becomes much less clear to me.