I told him, it was a good article EXCEPT, at the end. he says something to the effect " Can GT beat uga in Johnson's first year? Blowhart asks Probably not" GIVE ME A BREAK, you ugag grad and homer.. (you were 3 losses away from a mediocre year, see UK and Vandy Games..And playing a 50% Tebow in the UF game..once again the lucky dogs!).
These uga homers ALWAYS want us to think that way. It is phsycholgy 101 for them. If we think we cannot beat them, we wont, that is the way they would have us think.
That is so ludicrous. We played ugag so very close the last few games and we lost to them from a mental point, we have the talent, NOW the coach. We beat them THIS next year imho. if we have that Mentality we are going to win!
I think Paul Johnson can be our Spurrier! He developed that mentailty his 1st year at UF, they started beating ugag every year right off the bat, because he changed their mentality and he gave them that swagger, they for years had not beaten ugag, but, all the games were very close. He got them over the hump.
We have been soooo close, it is time we develop that mental edge!!! :biggthumpup: