Ramblin Wreck Vs DA ThUg Official Game Thread

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We absolutely have to make tackles in space. Morris and Johnson are going to put up points on us, so we cannot afford to give them freebies.
It didn't öööö us. People fumble sometimes. We are in this game...you might even say we have the lead.

The defense is ööööing us.

No kidding. Fumbling on your own 20 öööös you. Fumbling on the other teams 20 shouldn't lose the game. öööö you defense. öööö you öööö you öööö you öööö you öööö you. Tackle somebody in the second half.
Only our fans... Our D causes 2 TO's and our O coughs up the ball, and we blame our D. Wow.
Without Jamal Golden, we should probably just let ball to in the endzone. Haven't reached 25 once.
No kidding. Fumbling on your own 20 öööös you. Fumbling on the other teams 20 shouldn't lose the game. öööö you defense. öööö you öööö you öööö you öööö you öööö you. Tackle somebody in the second half.

If you have hate in your heart.... Let it out.

-Clayton Bigsby
On the other hand, a big return is maybe the only chance we have for a score in that spot. But otherwise, we should just take the ball at the 25.
Yeah, those turnovers didn't help out a öööö bit.:rolleyes:

Miami has been a high turnover team all year.

Either way 240+ yards, 17 points, insane TOP in the first half. The one fumble isn't "ööööing" anything. The only thing ööööing us is the fact that we're giving out encouragement hugs instead of tackles on defense.
Probably did a favor to us, what a difference
If Vad does not have the fumble the way
we were moving at the time

Same could be said of Duke Johnson's fumble. Tied is probably where both teams deserve to be.
No pass rush.

Lousy KO coverage. Same old, same old.

Despite massive difference in TOP, the way our offense is run, there is a good bit more time between plays for their D to get some extra breaths.

But the game is there for whoever wants it.
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