Ramblin Wreck Vs DA ThUg Official Game Thread

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What I find funny is so many still can't see our D talent is very weak. Without JT & JA, we would have mostly FCS level talent. That is my opinion from watching GT defenses for 33 years.
What I find funny is so many still can't see our D talent is very weak. Without JT & JA, we would have mostly FCS level talent. That is my opinion from watching GT defenses for 33 years.

Ah yes, the "FCS talent" meme. If you look at their offers, it may be UNC or Miss. State level of talent, but certainly not FCS. We don't have Alabama level talent, but neither do most teams.
Ah yes, the "FCS talent" meme. If you look at their offers, it may be UNC or Miss. State level of talent, but certainly not FCS. We don't have Alabama level talent, but neither do most teams.

Ugay does

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Boy we caught a break there. Our D line had no clue where they wanted to be
I would have bet every penny I have that we would not start the 3rd quarter with a 3 and out. Holy öööö.
Ugay does

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Most teams don't have Ugay level of talent either... It is what it is. Double the size of AA funding, attendance and remove academic standards if you REALLY want that level of talent.
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