Random thought re: Ugag defense


Mod Thyself
Staff member
Nov 25, 2004
Seems clear at this point that Pruitt does not like St. Mark.

Seems even clearer that Richt will get canned if he loses to us.

Let's assume that Pruitt has a plan B queued up and ready if Richt gets the hobnail boot out the door tomorrow at 3:05 PM. One more assumption: Pruitt is certain that he will not be retained if Richt is not fired.

So what if Pruitt decided to hold back a little bit on his game plan to kind of help things along?

Just a thought.
If Pruitt has a defense that lays down purposely, he will be on the Jon Tenuta head coaching train. His best bet, if he is truly wanting to driver Richt out, is for the defense to play lights out while UGAg's offense struggles.
Unfortunately, their offense struggling is dependent on our defense posing a credible threat...so, maybe OP has the superior plan? Some game theory involved here.
GT will make the transfer QB look like a Heisman contender. Drop back QB will have Thanksgiving type feast when he has all day to pass.

Only hope is UGA too stupid to realize this and play the 3rd stringer against Tech.
GT will make the transfer QB look like a Heisman contender. Drop back QB will have Thanksgiving type feast when he has all day to pass.

Only hope is UGA too stupid to realize this and play the 3rd stringer against Tech.

We made both of their running backs look like Heisman contenders in 2009. UGAg came into the game sucking wind and we were heavily favored. Both their RB's had 200+ yard days rushing against us. I don't believe we will ever have an easy victory against the mutts.
We made both of their running backs look like Heisman contenders in 2009. UGAg came into the game sucking wind and we were heavily favored. Both their RB's had 200+ yard days rushing against us. I don't believe we will ever have an easy victory against the mutts.

This. They struggled all season with Cox under center. Then Richt wises up and just starts playing power football against us which we weren't ready for.

Richt pulls out all the stops for this game including onside kicks at odd times, fake punts, fake FG's, and squib kicks (:rolleyes:). This will be my 15th COFH, which means I have watched Richt beat GT 12 out of 14 times. If UGA is anything under Richt, it is not unprepared when they play us.

Having said that, öööö 'em.
Very few things can be said for sure about what happens in Athens the next week or two, but one certainty is that Pruitt will not be a candidate for head coach. Too much of a bull in a china shop, though his defense has been the old thing that rescued UGA this year. D has given up, I believe, two TDs in three games. (Offense gave one up last week on a scoop and score.)