read this post and tell me what you think?

Think the post and replies are right on. We are focusing too much on the negatives. Let's allow DB the opportunity to fix problems. There are many positives about the GT athletic programs and we should all focus on these especially when one considers the 9-11-01 tragedy. Yes, the media is really on GT's case but the media focuses on negatives and soon there will be another crisis to report and the kleig lights will move away from GT.
Jack Welch advocates celebrations for positive achievements so GT supporters celebrate our teams in White and Gold. We need to "bust some mutts"

what i dont understand is why people get so upset. And what is this constant talk about shutting down the "hive."

If you do not agree with someone then you don't

No big deal we live in AMERICA! Do we want to shut down public forums b/c of differences of opinion.

They have been attacking Beeware b/c he said <blockquote><font size="1" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr> Braine should go work somewhere else <hr></blockquote>

I personally like the job Braine has done, but I can also see where some people would be upset. I think he has hired two good coaches, however this bio stuff has really been a "screw up."

And Braine probably has to take the heat for that.

here on this board I saw where Ahsoisee got upset b/c Mac attacked the integrity of the posters here.

I am sure Mac did not mean that, but he was just trying to get a rise out of everyone. But what I really like is that there are no cyber cops here. I like the idea you can speak your mind w/o fear of repercussions.

I got bumped from the "hive" for saying that it is "official we are underacheivers" after the Maryland game.

Although I repect what RR is trying to do and enjoy posting there I am also very conscious of what I say there. It is his website so I play by his rules and he continues to allow me to post.

Stingtalk is not like that. Lets face it I may not agree with Beeware wanting Braine fired, but I will fight to the death to defend Beeware's right to make that statement.
The right to freedom of expression is a basic part of our lives. Without this we have no basic rights in our Republic. This does not mean I accept the statements of others as true for they must prove their points. I enjoy the Socratic method of discussion.

BTW, I am glad for these boards for it permits me to focus on other things besides Mr. Market.


Maybe we should form a contingency plan in case of Hival Apocalypse. Everyone grab a hive member and pull them to the safety of

But seriously, there are probably a lot of folks there that don't know that there is another site and live in fear that if the hive goes down, they won't be able to communicate with other tech fans. Im not concerned with whether or not they join here and become active members, but I would like everyone to have the knowledge of our existence. Any ideas on how to get the word out?
Right now, Stingtalk is a good board. I pretty much stopped posting anything of substance (if I ever did) on the Hive because there are too many people that will jump on you if you say something that's unpopular. That tends to happen with a large board and the Hive has gotten really large. I'm not really anti-Hive. I like the Hive, but I stay really low-key over there and lurk for the most part.

Stingtalk is like walking into a living room with 6 or 7 friends and everyone addresses each other respectfully. The Hive is like walking into an auditorium with a few friends and hundreds of strangers. The Vent is like walking into an 80,000 seat stadium with 79,999 strangers.

This place is small enough and new enough so that people feel comfortable expressing themselves without fear of being policed and ostracized. The layout of the board, where you can't see the title to every response also contributes to that atmosphere.

We're all Jackets here. So, this should be a pleasant place to talk. As long as people don't slam my right to an opinion, I'll do the same for them.
Absolutley excellent posts everyone !!!! and the post by GTNChamp90 should be framed... this entire thread deserves a big WOW !! I appreciate the fact that I have the opportunity to post here with you all... and its true, I do feel as if I am in a living room with friends... friends with great opinions, great insight, and there is rarely a time I dont leave having learned something... as I have said before, I am thankful this board is here, and is populated with the kind of people I communicate with here.... great thread.... GO JACKETS.... TO HELL WITH GA...
Long live Stingtalk! I raise my glass of whisky clear to you one and all and I hope to have the occassion to celebrate a Jacket win with EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU!! You make my day much more fun everyday!!

i agree with what's being said in this thread, and though i enjoy lurking the Hive, it does seem that RR looms like a pissy older brother over there. And I sure agree with the post that lawbee reefered us to-GT football and bball is in great hands! and Tech is going to be a monster next year on the gridiron.

as far as the "bios" go, I can just see Gailey laughing out loud when Smith offered his resignation. I mean, the whole thing is just absurd. I taught for a while at the college level and every now and then some innocent would call me "Dr." I did not stop and say, "Let's get this straight! I don't have a doctoral degree of any sort, besides which you should reserve that term for physicians!"
I would just answer the question and go on. For Kentucky to say a coach played at FSU is about the same thing. Harmless smoke up the ass. our society is built on it. Look at TV commercials: pure bygod american capitalism AND pure BS. I bet even our own lawbee has some books on display in his office whose spines have never been cracked.
:^ )

GT is in great shape, and will kick butt in the Fall!

Of coarse we will have to see as this board grows if we have problem posters, BUT

I will say what has already been said. FSU's board is MUCH busier than the hive and they do not have the same problems. I believe the format dictates control. Stingtalk is more similar to FSU's board the way there are individual topics and separate forums.

We also have ways to handle problem posters if we ever had any. But I want to make something clear. Your opinions will not be policed on this board. Just dont attack the student athletes and everything will be fine. With all that has happenned as of late I can see where there would be differing opinions with regard to how the GTAA is handling things.