i agree with what's being said in this thread, and though i enjoy lurking the Hive, it does seem that RR looms like a pissy older brother over there. And I sure agree with the post that lawbee reefered us to-GT football and bball is in great hands! and Tech is going to be a monster next year on the gridiron.
as far as the "bios" go, I can just see Gailey laughing out loud when Smith offered his resignation. I mean, the whole thing is just absurd. I taught for a while at the college level and every now and then some innocent would call me "Dr." I did not stop and say, "Let's get this straight! I don't have a doctoral degree of any sort, besides which you should reserve that term for physicians!"
I would just answer the question and go on. For Kentucky to say a coach played at FSU is about the same thing. Harmless smoke up the ass. our society is built on it. Look at TV commercials: pure bygod american capitalism AND pure BS. I bet even our own lawbee has some books on display in his office whose spines have never been cracked.
:^ )
GT is in great shape, and will kick butt in the Fall!