Law, this better be the dadgum yr or we won't recover for 3yrs.
With UGa only taking 15-16 players, this state has mucho talent availiable. We already have 2 nice Ga commits & could get many, if we want. UGa is having to pick & choose, so many Ga athletes aren't even looking there & are already committing to Mich, Neb, Aub, etc, etc.
With the expanded ACC being a major draw in Fla, we should be able to do well down there again. Miami has taken 3 outta their 1st 4 recruits from outta state & FSU has taken 4 outta their 1st 5 from outta state (2 Miss JCs, 1 from Fla, still knocks out this yrs Fla players).
GT could easily do the entire rest of this class from Ga/Fla & p/u excellent players. There is NO reason for this NOT to be the best recruiting yr we've had in last 3, & brother, we need it. If Coach G does not make this a banner yr, I'm gonna get very down on him.