

Flats Noob
Sep 25, 2014
Get some more we may need them. I didn't want to start a thread on this but here is what Michael Land is saying and he apparently was spot on through his source every other time.

"Unnamed source inside the program, but my family member has the source. He called Marshall and Walker two days ago. Divine will be next. Simmons and Mills have serious academic issues. I even questioned him, but he nailed it when nothing was out there. It is being said that neither can recover academically. I hope he's wrong, but he nailed Vad Lee, CBG, and many others long before anything was public."
If true it sucks. The guy is very confident he is correct through his source. BUT don't fret about it. Better to know now and find some new kids. I trust CPJ and his system. We shall prevail
What I want to know is whether Paul Johnson is learning this from this thread or somebody reading this thread. I can't imagine he knows and is just letting it happen.
What I want to know is whether Paul Johnson is learning this from this thread or somebody reading this thread. I can't imagine he knows and is just letting it happen.

What can be do? Go take the tests for them? Only thing he can really do is adjust recruiting targets.
Worst week after a UGAg victory ever

"When you don't have many opportunities the errors are magnified"

Everyone needs to chill. We're going to be fine and probably win no less than 3 games. Maybe MM will reconsider but probably not.
Devine isn't surprising. His dad posts on the hive. Let's just say Devine's not mentally tough and the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
Keep your heads up, pussies. What would being a Tech fan be like if we didn't get punched in the nuts almost on a weekly basis? We signed up for this shit - so don't don't act like all this is a massive surprise.