

Helluva Engineer
May 14, 2003
How many players are we allowed to redshirt?
Is it broken down by their class?
I have noticed that we presently have redshirted:
5 -Jr.
Total of 54 redshirted.
Total of 105 on roster.
Redshirting hasnothing to do with a class or anything else. It really has to do with how many of that class did we need to play as freshman.
U can

RS as many as u want from each class. U can't scholarship more than 25 incoming in any yr, RS or not. U can't 'ship more than 85 total on your total roster, RS or not. U can't take to Fall preseason camp(preseason practice) more than 105 & can't maintain more than 105 on your practice roster during the season, RS or not.
Each HC does things somewhat different. Grobe @ WF insists on RSing the entire Fr class each yr. Gailey will let the players that can help at a position play as much as the coaches want. He'll also let his best players play a few plays on the STs, wasting their RS, but 'gaining' a feel for the speed. Most coaches will only let their best position Fr play if they can help at that position, while RSing the rest.
I stand corrected. I was under the impression that there were restrictions by NCAA that limited how many were allowed to be redshirted. So, are we saying that a coach may redshirt as many as he desires? Aren't there some kind of restrictions involved in redshirting?
As I understand it the only restriction is you can only RS a player one time. Meaning they still only have 5 years to complete their 4 years of eligibility. In terms of numbers you could conceivable RS every player on your team one year. Remember as well that it doesn't have to be their freshman can RS them at any time during their 5 years.
NCJacket answered your question I think but I will add that with impending probation, we will not redshirt many kids at all for the coming three or four years.