Reggie Ball = Division II QB


Varsity Lurker
Dec 14, 2004
Reggie cant throw the ball farther than 30 yards. How in the world did he make it this long at Tech. He should have been an option qb for Georgia Southern. Reggie has put me through way to many da*& heartaches. I will be freaking glad when his time at Tech is up.
NC State Deja Vu

And what else did we expect from Reggie?
Why he even attempted a risky pass with still over a minute remaining is beyond me. That just isn't a smart football play, especially for a Junior who has started 30+ games. It's a shame because the whole 4th quarter I was thinking "well, at least Reggie hasn't made that big mistake". I know Reggie is trying to help the team, but he has brought so many GT fans to tears two consecutive years with his decision-making against UGA.