Response from ACC representative from website


beware the zealot
Dec 17, 2001
I went there looking for someone to complain too last night and only got the name for the website coordinator. I did get a response and here it is verbatim:

"The ACC began the year with six bowl tie-ins, but was able to secure two
additional tie-ins for this season (both beginning relationships a year
earlier than scheduled). Each of our eight bowl eligible teams did get a
bowl bid.

It is important that you know that all bowl selections are made by the
bowl committees. While the selections have an order to them, this order
does not always reflect the finish of those teams during the season.

Thank you again for your interest in and support of the 12 member
institutions of the Atlantic Coast Conference. "

Sounds like our wrath should be towards the bowl selection committees...
That\'s A Horsecrap, Politically Correct Answer....

The ACC should go to bat for it's 3rd place team, especially for a team that has a Braineless AD.
South Georgia Jacket
Oh, give me a break. If you don't think the ACC has some kind of input with these bowls you're in never never land. When the ACC signs the bowl contracts they exert their influence. Swofford can exert some serious pressure if he wants to. BC and GT ought to be outraged at our treatment. I guess this is a sign of the future. If so, I say we can't be worse off in the SEC. No question future conference realignment will occur, and if things don't change I will throw my vote to the SEC...
The big 10 and sec commissioners stepped in to make sure their bowls picked along the lines of conf. finish.
The big 10 and sec commissioners stepped in to make sure their bowls picked along the lines of conf. finish.

[/ QUOTE ]

Hunh, so they got it done with trickeration did they? /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/pat.gif