Reuben's Back


Damn Good Rat
Sep 21, 2005
Reuben\'s Back

Expect to see RH on the sidelines at practice tomorrow hes been released of all charges and players at Tech today said hes back on the team. Good to hear that this great kid can move on with his life now. I think 680 even said something about it today.
Re: Reuben\'s Back

will he beable to red shirt, if this is true for this yeare and come back next year?
Re: Reuben\'s Back

That's Fantastic!!!
I thought that things just never added up when I first heard the news...
I'd have been very disappointed if they'd been true...
I hope that Mr. Houston can continue on the route towards success in class and on the field...
Welcome back Reuben...

/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/banana.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/banana.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/banana.gif
Re: Reuben\'s Back

I think you should read the article.

A Fulton county judge has ordered GT to allow Reuben to participate. GT is exploring its legal options. He is under indictment and I know there have been other schools that dismissed students w/o the conviction. I think Levernias Coles at F$U was dismissed. I wonder if this judge may have screwed this up?

an absolute right to play football? That is news to me. You can be kicked off the team for non-criminal matters. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/werd.gif

I would not be surprised if this is appealed immediately. This could be one of those decisions the court of appeals will take right away. I agree with Braine that you don't want to have people on the field facing felony indictment. IMO
Re: Reuben\'s Back

Aww c'mon..just let him back. We could always use that excuse that Eddie Sutton uses in basketball. Ya know..the "all kids deserve a second chance but especially kids with lots of athletic ability" one. Funny thing is alot of people actually buy it...
Re: Reuben\'s Back

All I'm saying is that the kid be allowed to continue at school...
I'll leave the football decisions to Coaches Gailey and Tenuta...
He's innocent in my book until proven guilty...
Re: Reuben\'s Back

I can see it now in the land of make believe papers, (HEY GT, welcome to the new low life sleaze ball ranks with the likes of just about anyother D-1 team. The courts have just ruled that GT will no longer be allowed to set it's own standards.)
I actually did see a slightly similar situation years ago at a high school. The starting QB & FB were caught smoking marijuana just before the football season was to open for their senior year. The HC expelled them from the team, which caused such a ruckus from one of the kid's parents, that the HC finally decided to step down as a coach in that school......
Do I believe a kid should be given a second chance if he is sincere about doing the right thing? SURE !!!!! At the same time I also believe that the Head Coach's decision should be final concerning who will and who won't be on that team. I'm surprised that this judge has handed down this ruling, very surprised. But then again, why should I be surprised, given all the unusual things coming from our courts today?
Re: Reuben\'s Back

#126651 - 11/16/05 04:06 AM

[/ QUOTE ] Dude, I thought I was the only one who never slept (other than Tech students).
Re: Reuben\'s Back

romejacket is a self-employed food service professional as I have been for a no of yrs, that's not all that early for us, is it rome? Actually, I used to be able to get more done at this time of day w/o the phone ringing and fools asking questions to which they already knew the answers!
