Richt Gifts Team With Personalized Bibles!


Helluva Engineer
Feb 7, 2007
Per the Miami Herald and Hypeline, Canes coach Mark Richt has graciously given individually personalized bibles to every team member.

"When Coach Richt heard that some of his players didn’t have Bibles and that some of the ones who did had older versions — which made it harder to read and understand — he sought out the help of the team chaplain Steve DeBardelaben in order to make sure that everyone on the team had a Bible."

Old, hard to read and understand bibles were evidently a challenge to the Canes. That Coach Richt must be one heck of a guy.
NCAA violation

Wonder what the rule is on that. I guess any student on campus can probably get the same bible from an on campus organization or something so it won't be a violation.
It's a private school.
I'll curse Richt up and down a lot, but when it comes to his faith, he walks the walk. He's a good man, just happens to always be coaching the teams I hate.

It's been hard to knock him for this even if his players do get in a lot of trouble. Perhaps he was actually bringing that number down a little bit from what it could be with Kirby
It's a private school.
I'll curse Richt up and down a lot, but when it comes to his faith, he walks the walk. He's a good man, just happens to always be coaching the teams I hate.

I actually agree fully. But since up until a couple years ago schools couldn't even give players cream cheese for their bagels according to the NCAA, I don't now what the rule is on books, although I'm sure even if it's technically a violation nothing would happen.
Were the old ones hard to read because they were old and tattered, or because it was something like King James instead of NIV.
It's a private school.
I'll curse Richt up and down a lot, but when it comes to his faith, he walks the walk. He's a good man, just happens to always be coaching the teams I hate.

This times a million. I was really hoping he would go to a school at which I could actually root for him.
Steve DeBardelaban - the former GT linebacker & SW DeKalb player?

If it is, I remember he had some big plays vs SMU (I think it was) in 69.

Great guy.
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The only idiots are the ones who buy into the 'righteous' Richt act. Let me guess you also like Creflo Dollar and Jimmy Swaggart?

Nobody thinks he is God. He has just proven time and time again he walks the walk when it comes to Christianity. A friend of mine when he was in 8th grade, both of his parents went to jail and he was living with his poor aunt. Mark Richt and his wife showed up at their house on christmas with a truck full of gifts for him and his brother. Somebody had previously raised the kids situation in a church prayer group Richt was in and Richt decided to help out completely on his own terms.

On top of that, he received no recognition for it, and nobody even knows about it other than people my buddy told.
I know him pretty well, and I could tell a dozen or so stories of things he has quietly done for others, just little stuff not in the media. He is a flawed football coach in some ways but not a flawed human being, and absolutely not a fraud. Over fifteen years I think I would have seen that. Having said all this--good luck against Miami today!