Richt would have won that game


Varsity Lurker
Jul 4, 2015
we must support Kirby on their boards, and letters to their AD. I think the extended reign of Kirby is good for us...
smart>dumb, even if talent at UGA<GT to put it in GT terms
We've been stirring the pot on firing Richt for the better part of a decade and Georgia was finally dumb enough to do it. Time to start living in the present. With Richt gone we run this state.
I agree with the OP. Gold Hat Team needs to get on keeping Kirby no matter the cost.
I agree with the OP. Gold Hat Team needs to get on keeping Kirby no matter the cost.
Unless they stumble upon a brand new Richt, it won't matter how much turnover they have. They're a bottom-half team in the power bottom division of the big swinging dick in football. Richt was their unicorn and they killed him for a bowl cut and a loss to Vandy.
Unless they stumble upon a brand new Richt, it won't matter how much turnover they have. They're a bottom-half team in the power bottom division of the big swinging dick in football. Richt was their unicorn and they killed him for a bowl cut and a loss to Vandy.
This was more impactful than the decision to pooch kick. We were not going to get that kick off in time, until CMR called the TO.
Richt didn't make many mistakes but of the ones he did make, he made nearly all of them at the end of the game.