right now O'Brien and Spencer only two offerred position....


Nov 25, 2001
right now O\'Brien and Spencer only two offerred position....

it appears that Kelley is NOT being offerred the DC job at Vande (is being offerred their recr. coord. posit) and the word out of nashville is he is hoping to stay here.

Hopefully he will stay here.
Re: right now O\'Brien and Spencer only two offerred position....

I think 680 is totally exagerating CG staying with the dolfins. I would love to have the tape of what they said when Richt decided to stay at FSU until after the bowl game.

My recollection was b/c Garner is remaining there will not be a problem.

Howell is the biggest IDIOT. He is worse than everyone at 790.
Re: right now O\'Brien and Spencer only two offerred position....

I hope he gets busy naming coaches... this situation cant linger... the soap opera needs to get over with... I hope Mac is taken care of... hope Kelly stays... and hope that Roof is offered a position in some capacity... I am concerned about whether or not Gaily will be able to give the attention needed... he should coach the game on Sun, then get busy in Atlanta
Re: right now O\'Brien and Spencer only two offerred position....

CG gave his WORD that he will honor his contract to GT. I know EVERY one does that, but it may be different with this guy.
Re: right now O\'Brien and Spencer only two offerred position....

here is hoping he does...
Re: right now O\'Brien and Spencer only two offerred position....

they are speculating that D. Kelley is weighing his options and this make sense. Sometimes we ASSUME to much (ie so and so was or was not offerred a job) sometime people ARE offerred but do not accept for whatever reasons
Re: right now O\'Brien and Spencer only two offerred position....

CG said he was going to move fast out of respect for the staff waiting, so hopefully we will know all in a couple of days
Re: right now O\'Brien and Spencer only two offerred position....

Wes asked him today when we could expect staffing to be completed. All of us were waiting for answer with baited breath. Answer: "In due time." GRRRRR.
Re: right now O\'Brien and Spencer only two offerred position....

<blockquote><font size="1" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by bizzybee:
Wes asked him today when we could expect staffing to be completed. All of us were waiting for answer with baited breath. Answer: "In due time." GRRRRR.

I'm sure he is working on it...but he has a very full plate right now...coaching the dolphins, getting a staff together, recruiting. At least he is being honest!
He is probably calling people he wants to hire and the recently unemployed football staff is considering their options as well.
Re: right now O\'Brien and Spencer only two offerred position....

He had better find a way to keep D. Kelley or we run the risk of a coaching staff that is "wonder bread" and that would be a big problem.
Re: right now O\'Brien and Spencer only two offerred position....

Ahso, u r right about the certainty of uncertainty. That is the essence of what is going on right now, I believe. People are edgy cause, to some of us, it is impt. to keep recruiters that have ALREADY made headway in this state and others. Uncertainty also whether CG is aware of just how competitive the recruiting wars are here! I have no feelings about CG one way or the other. He is an unknown quantity to me, and I won't rest until I see that he is on top of that aspect of college ball. He is a good person, and I like him, but I am anxious to see how he deals with things. Uncertainty? Yes sir!